Personal Life

My Favorite MJ Sexy Hot Quotes 87 by Malia May Johnson

Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Black and White Kiss Vignette Cartoon Photo

Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only!

“3-8-2012 forever and ever and sex. Amen!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Empathize? Oh. I thought you said in your thighs.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Booty tariff. Pay up.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Even more proof of your alienness. What normal woman can do that? I have never seen the T position before.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“As the Nature Boy Ric Flair used to say- “I’ll always be here for you if you need shoulders to rest your ankles on. Woooo!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Uh oh! Look out now! Baby about to get her gargantubooty out and get to work!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Easy peasy titty squeezey.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“No more Smurf balls for me.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“I need your help troubleshooting my boner. Can I get some of you around 2/2:30ish?” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Anniversary anal! Anal anniversary! Anni anal! Anal anni! What are you doing today besides having anal sex with me?” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“I love you so much booty girl.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“It’s baby making time. I’m fixin to discharge jizz with the intent to knock you up.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Isn’t it our bedtime? It fucking is woman that I love!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“I’ll meet you in the bedroom, so you won’t be lonely. Bone! Bone! Bone!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The damn broke! Damn!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“My best part about being married to you is being married to you.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Hey hey. Ho ho. This load has got to blow.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You look so damn pretty. I love kissing you. Not just kissing for sex. I hope you know that, because damn right I am about to go in on you for sex.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You are worth way more than you look. Intrinsic value and shit. You ready?” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“I am MJ The Terriblo. The patron saint of pleaseo your bootyo.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Enough inya time. Here comes the cum.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Vag goo is thicker than water. Probably.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You are virtuous, feminine and elegant. But for the next 30 minutes, let’s get nasty!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Don’t fool yourself. You’re my secret weapon, and the best part is no one sees you coming.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite MJ Sexy Hot Quotes 86 by Malia May Johnson –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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