Personal Life

You Are Objectifying Me

Malia May Johnson Relaxing On The Couch Picture

 MJ: I have been eye banging you like crazy today. Love the tight form fitting outfit. It highlights your “ass”ets.

Malia: You are objectifying me.

Malia: You are sexually objectifying me.

MJ: Yeah. What’s the problem?

Malia: You are not supposed to do that.

MJ: Says who?

Malia: Society

MJ: Never heard of em.

Malia: Society, you know, the public and our culture.

MJ: Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Malia: Let me guess. You are going to ignore what society says?

MJ: You guess correctly.

MJ: Do I have vagina insecurity?

Malia: You have no vagina insecurity issues at all!

MJ: According to the internet we live in a world with the highest rate of sexlessness on record.

MJ: Wanna have sex?

Malia: Because the world is sexless?

MJ: Don’t question me. All I want to do is dig you out until you cum hard on my dick.

Malia: I see. I am down for that but I am workout stinky. Shower sex?

MJ: I know you know this, but it never hurts to say it. I gotchu Malia. Otw

Malia: One of the things I love most about you is how you love all of me, including my insecurities. 🙂

Michael David Johnson……Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me! –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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