Personal Life

Steak and Blowjob Day

Masters of Money LLC - Steak & BJ Graphic

Steak and Blowjob Day (Steak & BJ Day) is an unofficial holiday created in the United States as the Valentine’s Day for men, celebrated exactly 30 days after Valentine’s Day, on March 14.

Steak & BJ Day was conceived by DJ Tom Birdsey on WFNX radio in 2002.

Steak & BJ Day is celebrated by a women cooking a steak for her man and giving him a blow job.

Here are my thoughts on Steak & BJ Day by Malia May Johnson-

There has been backlash against Steak & BJ Day by some, but if your man treats you special on Valentine’s Day, then treat him special on Steak & BJ Day.

If you have a man that does not deserve a steak and a bj, it is probably time to either find a new man, or try to rehab your current one.

If you have a good man, be good to him. He will appreciate your efforts and give back in return.

We do celebrate Steak & BJ Day at our house. The steak part of Steak & BJ Day, I don’t do myself. I usually get takeout from Morton’s Steakhouse or Capital Grille. The BJ part of Steak & BJ Day, I do do myself.

Shout out to all the men out there who deserve Steak & BJ Day and the women who love them!

Valentine’s Day Love Picture Quotes Collection –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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