I’m slippin! I meant to include the bedrooms for sure. I also forgot the hallways! I’m also fuckin you in the hallways!
Love me some girl power! I have always supported women’s rights, but having daughters definitely made me more passionate about equal rights. As much as I support women’s rights, I do not support any guys ever touching my daughters, even when they are full grown 40 year old women! I know this is a ridiculously protective and unrealistic way to think, but I need to think like this until our daughters and you eventually force me to think otherwise way way down the road..
As far as on the adult naked fun, Virginia sounds like a state that was made for us. After all, the tourism and travel slogan is, “Virginia is for Lovers.”
I love and lust you in the deepest most powerful way imaginable!
To new memories!
Re: I’m F-ing You In! –