Malia May Johnson,
How dare you how dare me!
How dare you come into my life when I was public enemy #1 to the governments of the world and make me believe I could have a future again!
How dare you bring peace, love and happiness to the life of the notorious Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson!
How dare you love me at my worst!
How dare you be there for me when I was broke, in huge legal trouble, near death in the hospital, not able to walk or talk!
How dare you be my best friend!
How dare you be my other half!
How dare you “Stuff” and “Things” and “The Forehead Bandit” sexy business me with your butt weapon!
How dare you be ride or die!
How dare you be the center of my universe!
How dare you grow our family by carrying and birthing the most amazing kiddos ever!
How dare you go along with my spontaneous insanity i.e.: “How dare you turn a planned family staycation into an unplanned family vacation! Is it enough to just talk about a place with you? Nope! Because you may at the spur of the moment randomly load us all up and take us to that place, because- “It’s just a hop skip and jump from here and it’s our family’s history. Who wants to go see Mommy’s family’s old house? Let’s go!”
How dare you want to do paternity testing because you wanted me to know without a doubt that our kids are mine, and you are a loyal, faithful and loving wife!
How dare you be a great role model for how a wife, mom, and woman should be for our sons and daughters!
How dare I not repropose to you to remarry me soon?
I love you with all my heart forever Malia May Johnson!
How Dare You Michael David Johnson! –