Personal Life

Mind and Body F-ing

Malia May Johnson Sexy Look Back Photo at LBJ Library in (Austin, Texas)

MJ: Baby, I think I have erectile dysfunction.

Malia: Do you want to have sex with me right now?

MJ: Yes!

Malia: When we want to have sex does your penis get hard?

MJ: Yes!

Malia: If you answered no to my last 2 questions, that would indicate you have erectile dysfunction.

MJ: Could you check it for me?

Malia: How am I supposed to check it?

MJ: Well, you know.

Malia: I’m not a doctor babe.

MJ: You know how I check your breasts for lumps?

Malia: Baby! We had sex last night! You don’t have ED!

MJ: I don’t know. I think I caught it like an hour ago or something.

Malia: OMG! It’s not like that silly boy. You don’t catch it like you do a cold.

MJ: Baby, I’m really worried about it.

Malia: What happens if I start touching it, and it gets hard?

MJ: Well, since we don’t know when it will work again, we should probably take advantage of the situation don’t you think?

Malia: Michael David Johnson, you practically live inside my vagina! You just want me to touch your wiener.

MJ: Exactly! We need to check on my erectile dysfunction.

Malia: It functions!

MJ: How can you tell all the way from inside the house, when I’m in my home office above the detached garage? I’m like 100 feet or more away from you right now, and there are like 5 or 6 walls between us. You can’t see my man business via text message. Why don’t you care about my problem?

Malia: What if I had vaginal dysfunction?

MJ: What? Is that possible? You know how much I love having sex with you. That would really suck! I would love you no matter what, but I hope you never get that.

Malia: Baby, there is no such thing as vaginal dysfunction! I was messing with you. If you had ED, then you wouldn’t have said that.

MJ: I am really horny, and I want you right now!

Malia: What about your ED? Maybe you won’t get hard and then we can’t have sex.

MJ: The ED thing I was just teasing about to get your attention.

Malia: Were you mind fucking me so you could body fuck me?

MJ: Yeah. Are you mad at me?

Malia: No, I came when you mind fucked me. Am I going to cum when you body fuck me?

MJ: Right now?

Malia: Yes, right now.

MJ: I think so. I’ll do my best.

Malia: That doesn’t sound very “MJ The Terrible” confident. What’s the “MJ The Terrible” confident answer?

MJ: I am going to have you squirting, toes curling, begging me not to stop, while you are in a sex crazed cumasutra state, having multiple orgasms, and moaning so loud our neighbors are going to come check on you, to make sure you aren’t actually being tortured!

Malia: You know I’m in baby making heat big time right now, so let me ask you this- How much sex would MJ have, if MJ could sex?

MJ: As much sex as MJ could, if MJ could have sex.

Malia: Make love to me or lose me forever Mr. Johnson.

MJ: You leave me no choice but to make sweet sweet lovin to you baby.

Malia: But you would choose to make love to me anyway, right?

MJ: Damn skippy!

Malia: Give it to me MJ! And Malia says- “MJ The Terrible” is pretty fly for a white guy!

MJ: Dicktacular

Malia: Good lord! I never would have guessed “dicktacular” would be the next thing you would say after that. Give me 10 minutes to hand off to the nanny, and then I’m all about rockin your “main stage” as you would say!

MJ: Do you want me to come to you or are you coming to me?

Malia: I’ll come to you. I’ve been doing Kevin to get my business just right to please your man handle!

MJ: What? Who the fuck is Kevin? Kevin whoever you are your are a fucking dead man! Malia explain quick before I overreact and go on an all out Kevin seek and destroy mission! Not Team DD Kevin. Please don’t tell me that Kevin. Baby!!!

Malia: I hate autocorrect! It should have said – I’ve been doing Kegel exercises to get my business just right to please your man handle. I’m sorry my autocorrect is a cheating whore.

MJ: Oh! Gotcha! What are Kegel exercises?

Malia: Baby, they are vagina tightening exercises. How are you the brilliant chief architect of the worlds most sophisticated cyber weapon/virus, but you have no idea what Kegel exercises are?

MJ: Really? Is that the same kind of thing as like flexing your butt muscles to make your butt tighter? On the Stuxnet comment, the internet/cyber security/cyber warfare, is way less complicated than women!

Malia: Remember when I taught you what “the ball deal” on my vagina was?

MJ: Yes. Basically my job is to touch it, rub it, caress it, lick it, love on it, and make sure “the ball deal” gets lots of attention.

Malia: Yep! I’ll see you shortly for interactive sex education!

The World Famous “Mother Fucker” Sex Post –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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