Personal Life

I Need Some Girl With The Tilt Head ASAHP

Malia at LBJ Library Sexy Tilt Head Photo

MJ: It has been a week with no sex. My balls are going to explode! I need some girl with the tilt head asahp! 

Malia: I know baby. Sometimes things happen that block sex. Is asahp as soon as humanly possible? 

MJ: It is!

Malia: I’m sorry.

MJ: My balls are going to explode! 

Malia: My panties are soaked and I’m almost panting for it to. 

Malia: I reread your text. What do you mean by “girl with the tilt head”? 

MJ: Girl with the tilt head…..







Malia: I love the way you love me. 

MJ: I love the way you love the way that I love you! 

MJ: Can I ask you something? 

Malia: Yes

MJ: Do you think we will ever have sex again? 

Malia: YES!

MJ: I just wanted to make sure sex wasn’t going extinct like the dinosaurs.

Malia: It is baby making heat time. Whenever we’re trying to get pregnant I’m usually the sex pusher, but this week has been, as your mom would say “A crooked week.” 

MJ: I just want to make sure that sex isn’t going to be so rare that it becomes an endangered species like the Bald Eagle. 

Malia: I want to keep you happy and satisfied. Please don’t make me feel bad. 

MJ: I promise I’m only being playful. I am just horny and want you.

Malia: I just text the other moms in the kids play group to see if it would be ok with them if I dropped our kids off to play and came back to pick them up later/before dinner tonight. It’s all worked out. 

MJ: Why?

Malia: Because I am going to give you a weeks worth of sex and orgasms while our kids are at play group today. MJ: I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to force sex on you. I am horny, but I do understand that things happen.

Malia: I never feel like you are forcing sex on me. I get horny to. It’s like I always say. My job is to take care of the kids and you. Today, I need to take care of you!

MJ: Sometimes I realize things that make me feel extra lucky compared to other couples. 

Malia: Like what?

MJ: Well, for one, I can tell you the truth. I don’t have to sugar coat the truth, or try to hold back parts of the truth, or reframe the truth in a certain way, etc. I know some couples have to walk around on egg shells afraid to say things to one another. 

Malia: The way you treat me is directly reflected in how I treat you. 

MJ: I love you with all of my heart Malia. I do my best to try to make you happy. 

Malia: That is why I am happy to rearrange things like I did today, to make sure my wonderful husbands needs are taken care of. 

MJ: What did you tell the play group moms? That my husband is horny and wants to bang me, so I won’t be at play group today?

Malia: I told them that Mommy and Daddy haven’t had any alone time lately, so Mommy and Daddy need to have adult play group today. 

MJ: What did they say to that?

Malia: They are moms and wives to. They understand. The general responses were “Go for it!”, “Get you some mommy!”, “Have fun girl. We will take care of the kiddos.” Things like that.

MJ: Thank you again. You are the best sweetheart. 

Malia: Guess what I’m going to do this afternoon? 

MJ: What? Malia: You!

Malia: After I drop the kids off, I should be back by about 2pm. Amber and Kenny’s house just on the other side of the club is where the play group is today, so the kids are less than 5 minutes away. I am soooooooooo excited about our afternoon Mommy Daddy play group this afternoon!

MJ: Can’t wait! 


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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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