Personal Life

Would You Drive To The Moon With Me?

MJ: I want you to know something. 

Malia: What do you want me to know?

MJ: I would drive to the moon with you. Would you drive to the moon with me?

Malia: Yes I would! I Googled how long it would take to drive to the moon if it was actually possible to drive to the moon. At 55 mph it would take 6 months to get there.

MJ: Well, you know I can’t drive 55. 

Malia: Are there any places to stop along the way? 

MJ: I would like to stop at “Your Anus”. 

Malia: Do you mean Uranus? Uranus is a lot farther away than the moon. 

MJ: I meant Your Anus. If you want to visit Uranus, we can take the long way to the moon, and check out Uranus first.

Malia: Tomorrow is Bedroom Quarantine Day! I’m going to give you all the sex you can handle Mr. Johnson!

MJ: Thank you for all the awesome pre-postnatal coitus. I’m looking forward to being able to have vagina sex again starting tomorrow but thank you for all of the awesome pre-postnatal coitus. Why didn’t we do that before? Waiting for postnatal coitus wasn’t the end of the world. It made me really want it after the long wait, but I feel like our sex/relationship got better finding these new fun ways to be with each other. Do you feel the same way? 

Malia: I do feel the same way. I didn’t think you would want to if you couldn’t put it in my vagina. I have never felt closer to you. I have always trusted you enough to try new things, but women feel nervous and scared to put themselves out there if we feel like we could be rejected. 

MJ: You were worried about putting yourself out there with me?

Malia: Not with the anal/butt sex part, but with the no vagina/no butt stuff, stuff, I was a little bit. I know I didn’t have to be, but I had an in-between feeling that was in my head.

MJ: What do you mean by an in-between feeling? 

Malia: Before we had babies/after I lost baby weight and I was skinny; I know you want me. When I am pregnant, I know you want me. In-between is the after birth, but before I lose the baby weight, pre-postnatal coitus time, when my vagina wasn’t an option, I wasn’t sure if you would.

MJ: You know you could have talked to me about this, right? I would have listened to you and told you you didn’t have to worry about this, right? 

Malia: I do, but it was a small insecurity. It wasn’t a big issue. If it was really bothering me, I would have. Tomorrow it’s on. I am looking forward to making love and having hot sex all day long tomorrow!

MJ: Quick side note. I’m glad That I Got Jesse’s Girl. 

Malia: Huh?

MJ: Your old boyfriend from way back when. I’m glad it didn’t work out between you and Jesse, so we could be together.

Malia: I am MJ’s girl and have been for almost 10 years now. Why did you bring his name up?

MJ: You know the song I was referencing right? This one-

Malia: I know the song. Why did you bring his name up? 

MJ: He sent me an email. He wants to do a deal of some kind together. I sent you the email he sent to me. 

Malia: I found it. I’m reading it now. 

MJ: I can contact him or not. It’s up to you. My preference is not to contact him because it could be weird, but maybe I could stand it if the deal is good enough. 

Malia: Don’t contact him. The NSA already informed Brittany about it. The board member who was going to try to force me into voting to reroute the money for food to feed the kids, into starting the scam energy company contacted Jesse to try to help convince me to vote for the energy company. 

MJ: Well Jesse just made my shit list. 

Malia: This is my charity. Don’t do anything baby. I know you want to protect me and all, but if you do anything, the board member that is the actual bully, will try to make it look like I am/our side are the bullies. 

MJ: Ok. I won’t do anything, but I don’t like Jesse, and I don’t like that the shady board member is trying to use people from your past to try to sway your vote.

Malia: Jesse was somewhat shady back when we dated. I always felt like he was hiding things from me. I am so glad I end up with you! 

MJ: I am too. You are everything to me. 

Malia: Likewise, and tomorrow I am going to pleasure worship you all day long to show you how much I love and want to please you.

MJ: Will you promise me something?

Malia: ……..

MJ: If the shady charity board member and/or Jesse, etc., try to pull anything, or a meeting is called that you have to go to, that you will tell me and let me go, and I promise I won’t interfere at all in any way. 

Malia: I agree/promise to all of the above. I remember the last meeting. You were right about their tactics, and you protected me, and you didn’t interfere. I’m not worried about Jesse or the board member. Most of the time I forget that I have dated other men besides you, because what we have blows everything I have ever had with anyone and everyone else combined, away. Let’s just focus on our family and creating another member of our family tomorrow. 

MJ: Done deal. I can do that. I love you. I’ll be in for lunch in about 15 min. 

Malia: K. Sounds good. XOXO

You’ve Got To Stand For Something or You’ll Fall For Anything by Malia May Johnson –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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