Business, Personal Life



Malia: I love you!

MJ: I love you too. Did I do something good to deserve an I love you? 

Malia: I love you and I can tell you that I love you anytime I want to, can’t I?

MJ: Of course my love. I’m stressed out.

Malia: Stress isn’t good baby. We need to find a stress solution.

MJ: Being able to work would help my stress level.

Malia: I have some ideas to lower your stress level.

MJ: Oh yeah? Like what?

Malia: Things

MJ: “Stuff” like yesterday?

Malia: Today is “Things”. Yesterday was “Stuff”. 

MJ: I really liked “Stuff”. Are “Things” similar?

Malia: Yes it is! Stuff was creative non vaginal body pleasure. Things is oral focused. I think your c@$k is under sucked. It needs to be sucked back to the level it should be at.

MJ: Stuff!

Malia: Things!

MJ: I meant Things. Stuff was still on my mind today because of how good it was.

Malia: If you liked Stuff, you are going to like Things!

Malia: If you play your cards right and I feel up to it, maybe tomorrow we can do that thing you like. Yes or no?


Malia: I want you to feel satisfied. I am sorry I didn’t make sure you were good baby.

MJ: Baby! I was good. I am good. You know I wasn’t complaining, right?

Malia: I do, but I believe in the happy husband theory.

MJ: What is the happy husband theory?

Malia: Happy husband, happy life.

MJ: Isn’t it happy wife, happy life?

Malia: Yes, but nothing rhymes with husband. Just go with it. I will be at your door in 2 min

MJ: No! Don’t do that. I’ll come to you. 

Malia: Why? Whatcha hidden in there?

MJ: The tech guys are here from CIA installing everything. The installers called it MJIA. 

Malia: MJ Intelligence Agency? 

MJ: Exactly

Malia: That’s awesome! They are stealthy. I haven’t heard any construction hammering or anything. 

MJ: I am happy CIA was so accommodating. Now I will have all of the tools to work from home most of the time, so I won’t have to travel that much 

Malia: Yay! I love you so much right now!

MJ: Just right now? 

Malia: Right now and later. Where do you want your Thing sucked?

MJ: Our bedroom please. There are only 2 drawbacks. 

Malia: Ugh! What are the drawbacks?

MJ: MJIA will have a 24/7/365 security team, and no one can enter unless they have high level clearance.

Malia: And me, right? 

MJ: Don’t hate me, but you can’t either. It’s a matter of national security 

Malia: Of course, everything with you has to be different. Most men have a Man Cave. My man has an Intelligence Agency. My freakin back yard is top secret. 

MJ: It’s the tradeoff for me being home more. Please don’t be upset. I want to be home more. You want me home more. And it has no effect on our lives other than my office and the garage underneath are MJIA. 

Malia: Can I go in the garage part of MJIA?

MJ: No. It’s going to be turned into living quarters for the security.

Malia: Are they paying rent to stay on my property?

MJ: Probably something, but I don’t know.

Malia: Our house is our house though, no MJIA in here right?

MJ: Our house is our house. No MJIA. 

Malia: I guess I can live with this. 

MJ: It’s this or I have to travel.

Malia: I like it when you are home. I am okay with this. 

MJ: They are being accommodating as hell. They have never done this for anyone else.

Malia: That’s cuzz you are the best baby! 

MJ: Well thank you sweetheart. 

Malia: We can’t have any more go surprise daddy in his office visits. Are they going to land mines in the yard? I’m kidding, but please say no. 

MJ: No landmines. I think they are going to make the rock wall fence higher and build a guard center by the front gate though. 

Malia: Why does this all feel normal at this point? 

MJ: Trust me. I get it. I’m sorry. 

Malia: You don’t have to apologize. I know what I signed up for. I know what you do is important.

Malia: OMG! Now I hear the construction. Do you still want to do Things with all that racket going on?

MJ: You sound like an old man. “All that racket going on out there”. 

Malia: You better hurry, and we better hurry. This noise is not helpful to baby and toddler napping. 

MJ: Do you still want to? Not trying to talk you out of it. I want it, but if you aren’t in the mood anymore, I get it. 

Malia: I can give you a War Job. That is a blow job during what sounds like war is going on.


Malia: I’m War Job Ready!

“Stuff” –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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