Personal Life

Recalling One of My Favorite Conversations I Have Ever Had With MJ

Malia May Johnson with Pet Tiger Sonny Cape Town South Africa Photo

This post is a way back when dating story conversation between MJ and I from early on in our relationship. MJ and I had been dating for a while and I wanted to take things to the next level, but I wanted to make sure he wouldn’t run/quit, so I tested him with real truths about me that I thought would scare him away if he wasn’t serious, and/or capable of a serious relationship once he knew things about me that would probably scare most men away.

Here was our back and forth from that day….

Malia: I want to tell you some things about me and see how you react.

MJ: Uhm, okay.

Malia: I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

MJ: (He laughed). How do you know about Johnny Cash? You look like a 12 year old. Get the fuck outta here.  

Malia: I hope you fail because if you don’t fail then I am going to have to love you and give you babies and live happily ever after and all that shit.

MJ: That doesn’t sound so bad, the loving and babies and happily ever after, does it?

Malia: Shit! I know you are going to pass.

MJ: (He laughed)

Malia: Ready?

MJ: I guess.

Malia: My best friend was a tiger growing up. He lived in our back yard and in our house until he got sick. Does it scare you that I am not afraid of any man, because I had a ruthless animal that could kill any man alive as a pet?

MJ: Like a tiger, tiger?

Malia: Yes, like a tiger tiger. A big scary tiger! What do you think about that?

MJ: My first thought is this sounds like child endangerment. My second thought is can you have a tiger as a pet? My third thought is, are you just saying this to see what I will say, and then you are going to tell me it isn’t true? My fourth thought is tigers are cats, so did you have a giant litter box?

Malia: (I laughed) No it was not child endangerment. South Africa is different than here. No, I am not just saying I had a tiger as a pet. He pooped and peed outside. No litter box. Scared yet?

MJ: I would probably be at least somewhat freaked out if your tiger was around us because I have never been around one before.

Malia: So, you are admitting you would be afraid of my tiger?

MJ: It’s a fucking tiger! Yes, I would be afraid.

Malia: Good.

MJ: Did it ever hurt you? Were you ever afraid? How big did it get?

Malia: No. I was only afraid one time, but I wasn’t afraid for myself. He got protective of me when my boyfriend at the time picked me up.

MJ: Good! That asshole should have never picked you up!

Malia: He was my boyfriend.

MJ: What did the tiger do to him?

Malia: My tigers name was Sonny.

MJ: Sunny like the sky, sunny, or like Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice?

Malia: Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice. My dad loved that show.

MJ: Me and your dad are going to get along. My dad watched Miami Vice and I watched it with him. Great show!

Malia: Sonny growled and rammed him. He fell on the floor, and I fell on the bed. Then Sonny growled again, and my Dad walked in. He yelled at Sonny sent him outside. Then my dad got to know my boyfriend and we ate dinner.

MJ: Did you keep dating the guy?

Malia: No. He broke up with me. He was nice about it, but we didn’t match well. We both knew it.

MJ: Can I see a picture of Sonny Crockett the tiger?

Malia: This one is my favorite…..

Malia May Johnson with Pet Tiger Sonny Cape Town South Africa Photo

Malia: What do you think after seeing the picture of me and Sonny together?

MJ: If you are not afraid of man killing tigers, you won’t be afraid of the government men that are out to get me. I like that. I really like that.

Malia: I was not expecting that answer.

MJ: The intelligence and military community hate my guts and they are making my life a living hell. You are the bright spot keeping me going. I love you.

Note- MJ passed my tiger test and we kept talking and getting closer and closer. He is the love of my life. My dream man come true! And he will never be the one that got away, because I am always going to give him all of the love I have to give! I love you forever and ever Michael David Johnson!!!

Malia and MJ’s Relationship “Firsts” Posts –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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