Personal Life

My Favorite Recent Quotes From People That I Know Malia May Johnson Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Retro Look of Love Photo

My Favorite Recent Quotes From People That I Know Malia May Johnson Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“It is a beautiful thing when two become one, like you and me. It is even more of a beautiful thing when the two become one, and make more twos and ones, meaning babies, like you and me again. Please don’t happen Word War 3 and ruin our happiness.” Malia May Johnson

“If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, decenter haters from your life. From my personal point of view, decenter haters away from you.” Malia May Johnson

“You got this. You’re an expert in gotting this.” Malia May Johnson

“You don’t hold back on the amount of times you say, “I love you.” I love that.” Malia May Johnson

“No us being together would mean no our family…..saddest thing ever. I am so glad we were not afraid of what people would say about us back in the day.” Malia May Johnson

“You are not the worst Michael David Johnson.” Malia May Johnson

“Ooh ooh me you. I will make all your wishes come true.” Malia May Johnson

“I have always tried to be a Proverbs woman for you. I started out as a Proverbs 22 woman when we met. I was a Proverbs 31 woman 3 years ago. Now I am a Proverbs 34 woman. If you will keep on loving me, I promise I will be a Proverbs 40 woman for you, all the way up to a Proverbs 100 if I make it that long. But let’s call it a me being a Proverbs 29 year old woman for you forever. Now that that is settled, sex?” Malia May Johnson

“With all this turmoil in the world, wanna relieve some stress with some sex?” Malia May Johnson

“Baywatch swimsuit again? Pamela Anderson may have had the tits, but I have the butt. I’ll be right back.” Malia May Johnson

“I am back in shape. Impressed? Watch this stretch. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I’m an alien. Heard it before. Now watch this alien, I mean woman, aggressively suck your dick!” Malia May Johnson

“There is something about you that brings me peace. Even through the chaos in our lives from time to time.” Malia May Johnson

“Cum fast and cum hard! I want to have a baby!” Malia May Johnson

“This my logic…If I can’t have you, nobody can, but you can have me anytime you want.” Malia May Johnson

“Hear ye. Hear ye. Hear ye. Quickie me! Quickie me! Quickie me!” Malia May Johnson

“Leave it to you to come up with “Booty Therapy”. I will indulge you. What is it and I bet it ends up with you inside me. Am I right? I hope so, because I love that. Okay. What is it Michael David Johnson?” Malia May Johnson

“You know what I want. I want to be your forever and do da happily ever after thing daddy.” Malia May Johnson

“I could really use some patriarchy on this matriarchy if ya wanna?” Malia May Johnson

“Oh my God Michael David Johnson! Austin 3:16 is not in the Bible. But I love you. Okay?” Malia May Johnson

“2024 is so boring. I wish there would be more action. 2024 is going to be remembered as such a bla year. Ya know? Just kidding! Yikes!” Malia May Johnson

“If today was a post I would like it. You have piled on the PDA today, and I really feel loved. Thank you baby.” Malia May Johnson

“Settle down doesn’t sound right with us. Our lives got better when we got married and started a family. We settled up.” Malia May Johnson

“You make me feel special. Truly special. Thank you for being a wonderful man.” Malia May Johnson

“I asked you- Are you going to walk our daughters down the aisle when they get married? You said- No. I am going to carry my them down the aisle and then threaten the man they are marrying. I said- Aww. You kissed me. What a loving cute way to start the day.” Malia May Johnson

“A legacy of pregnancy is what they would say at my funeral if I died. They will say- “Malia May Johnson was a devoted wife and baby making machine for the man she loved.” Malia May Johnson

“It’s Christmas in July. It is serious business. That said, keep the PDA’s to a minimum, but not too minimum because I want to feel loved. Okay? Okay! I love you and kiss me now please.” Malia May Johnson

“I am an encourager of the baby making family having positivity movement.” Malia May Johnson

Malia and MJ’s Relationship “Firsts” Posts –

The Day Malia and I Met (3-8-2012) –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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