Personal Life

Hospital MJ and Animal MJ

Hospital MJ and Animal MJ Wolverine Recovery Collage

Malia: I miss my half dead MJ sometimes. I miss being able to love on you whenever I wanted to. 

MJ: I’m down for a little role play reenactment. 

Malia: You will only play it for about 5 seconds before you wake up and grab my boobs. 

MJ: I hated being in the hospital. It’s hard to think about it. 

Malia: I’m good with role playing the time after Gotye left and the locks were changed. You know how I know you never cheated on her? 

MJ: Because you have seen my classified files covering the last 5 years?

Malia: That, and you were an animal in the sac.

MJ: You want me to be an animal in the sac again?

Malia: Yes please.

MJ: Why do you want me so badly? Because you miss me?

Malia: Yes, and because you let me go through with finally handling your exwife.

MJ: You are turned on by me stepping aside, and letting you kick her butt in court?

Malia: Yes. You are always so protective of her. I know it is only because of your son, but you really let me do this.

MJ: Baby, she has been evil. I knew we would have to do something about her behavior at some point, but I wanted to give her time, to see if her behavior and actions would improve.

Malia: Do you know what I’m thinking about right now?

MJ: Having sex at the courthouse after we finally don’t have to deal with my exwifes psycho behavior?

Malia: No, that’s you. I’m thinking about you not having to live 2 separate lives anymore. No more every other weekend apart crap anymore, and I am going to all of your son’s sports and events.

MJ: Me too and okay. Great!

Malia: I meant our son’s sports and events. I’m sorry. I should have said it better.

MJ: It’s all good baby.

Malia: I just see all of the stuff on you and your/our sons private Facebook page, and I want to be there with you guys. We should be one big happy family.

MJ: Then, let’s do what we have to do in December, in court, and live 2018, and beyond, as one big undivided happy family.

Malia: Air kiss.

MJ: Air kiss?

Malia: We’re not together right now. I’m blowing you an air kiss.

MJ: Oh. Dream sex.

Malia: Dream sex?

MJ: We’re not together right now, so I’m sending you dream sex thoughts.

Malia: Am I one big baby producing sex toy to you?

MJ: You are more than that.

Malia: Girl trap. I am going to stop right now. I was doing this thing girls do where they put their men in impossible situations they can’t win in.

MJ: Why do they/you do that?

Malia: We’re women! We have emotions. We just do that stuff.

MJ: How do I do when you put me in those impossible situations?

Malia: You fail every time.

MJ: Then why did you marry me?

Malia: Because you are so damn loving it’s absurd!

MJ: What? I’m confused.

Malia: Let me put this in MJ language. Baby, I’m a woman. That means, I’m going to drive you crazy, I’m going to obsess about things, and you’re going to pull your hair out. I’m going to get jealous over nothing. I am going to take mole hill, and turn it into a mountain. I am going to pull you in lots of different directions, all at the same time.

MJ: That doesn’t sound that good.

Malia: And the other 3 weeks a month I’m going to be your dream wife, so you will love me through the one week a month I’m a psycho bitch. 

MJ: I like how you are now. Are you going to be different now? 

Malia: No! It’s been this way for along time! 

MJ: Oh

Malia: Oh? 

MJ: Oh

Malia: Oh? 

MJ: Oh

Malia: Oh????? 

MJ: Was it good for you?

Malia: Oh my god! Did you just orgasm joke me? 

MJ: Yes.

Malia: I was faking it. 

MJ: I love you.

Malia: I love you too. You are really bad with women. 

MJ: Good. Malia: Good?

MJ: Good, because I only want to be good at woman. 

Malia: See, that’s what I meant about you being so damn loving. I love it! 

MJ: 🙂

Malia: Do you love me? 

MJ: On Tuesdays.

Malia: What about the other days? 

MJ: I’m just teasing you. I’d lay down my life for you. I love you.

 Malia: Yeah, on Tuesdays apparently. I love you too. Good night baby. 

The World Famous “Mother Fucker” Sex Post –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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