MJ: Anniversary sex?
Malia: What is it the anniversary of?
MJ: It has to be the anniversary of something.
Malia: How about the 11th anniversary of December 16th that we have known each other?
MJ: Baby, that is brilliant!
Malia: Here was a fun December 16th memory- https://www.therealmjtheterrible.com/full-on-holiday-christmas-mode/
MJ: The most powerful force in the world is love. Love heals wounds, provides support, ensures that we’ll never be alone, and love motivates us all to be the best versions of ourselves.
MJ: Sex is a powerful force that is up there to.
Malia: Good, because I want to have sex with this man…….

MJ: Is that my old Carson oil company name plate?
Malia: It is.
MJ: I can’t believe we still have that. I’m glad though.
Malia: I love you even if you are a little bit crazy.
MJ: …..

Malia: Are you going to come have quasi anniversary sex with me now?
MJ: Yes! Otw
Malia and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Audio Recordings – https://www.therealmjtheterrible.com/malia-and-michael-mj-the-terrible-johnson-audio-recordings/