Personal Life

A Picture and a Thousand Words about an Angel on Earth

Malia May Johnson at Party at old MJ The Terrible House at Circle C - Austin Texas 2016

I wanted to take a minute to send a love shout out to the beautiful loving angel in this picture.

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Well, here are just some of the 1,000 words that I think most accurately describe the angel on earth in this picture.

Smart, loving, caring, adorable, beautiful, alluring, appealing, charming, cute. dazzling, delicate, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fascinating, hot, fine, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, pretty, splendid, stunning, superb, wonderful, admirable, angelic, beauteous, bewitching, classy, divine, enticing, excellent, fair, foxy, ideal, nice, pulchritudinous, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, sightly, statuesque, sublime, symmetrical, taking, well-formed, sexy, hot, inviting, mature, provocative, racy, seductive, sensual, sensuous, arousing, come-hither, cuddly, flirtatious, kissable, libidinous, provoking, risqué, slinky, spicy, steamy, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous, smart, agile, astute, priceless, cherished, collectible, expensive, incalculable, invaluable, prized, rare, treasured, valuable, beyond price, costly, dear, incomparable, inestimable, out-of-bounds, out-of-sight, rich, valued, amazing, awesome, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, prodigious, shocking, stunning, surprising, unbelievable, wonderful, loving, admiring, affectionate, amiable, attentive, benevolent, caring, cordial, dear, devoted, doting, earnest, faithful, friendly, generous, loyal, passionate, romantic, thoughtful, warm, attached, concerned, enamored, infatuated, liking, respecting, tender, valuing, amatory, amorous, anxious, appreciative, ardent, demonstrative, erotic, expressive, fervent, fond, idolatrous, impassioned, kind, reverent, reverential, sentimental, kinky, solicitous, warm-hearted, worshipful, zealous, bold, brainy, bright, brilliant, canny, crafty, good, nimble, quick, resourceful, sharp, shrewd, slick, wise, acute, adept, alert, brisk, genius, keen, knowing, pointed,, ready, skull, whiz, apt, clever, effective, fresh, impertinent, ingenious, long-haired, nervy, on the ball, pert, quick, witted, sassy, elegant, chic, classic, delicate, dignified, exquisite, fancy, fashionable, graceful, grand, handsome, luxurious, neat, opulent, ornate, polished, refined, simple, stately, stylish, stylized, sumptuous, affected, appropriate, apt, aristocratic, artistic, august, choice, clever, unforgettable, enduring, eventful, extraordinary, remarkable, catchy, distinguished, exceptional, famous, great, historic, illustrious, important, lasting, meaningful, monumental, not to be forgotten, notable, noteworthy, remember able, remembered, significant, comely, everything, all, business, lot, aggregate, all in all, all that, all things, complex, each thing, every little thing, fixins, lock stock and barrel, many things, sum, the works, total, universe, whole, whole ball of wax, whole caboodle, whole enchilada, whole lot, courtly, cultivated, cultured, dainty, effective, fine, genteel, ingenious, majestic, modish, nice, noble, ornamented, ostentatious, overdone, rare, recherché, rich, select, stuffy, superior, turgid, well-bred, stylish, beautiful, chic, classy, dapper, dressy, jazzy, mod, new, nifty, polished, sleek, slick, smart, snazzy, trendy, upscale, a la mode, chichi, dap, dashing, dressed to kill, dressed to the teeth, fly, groovy, high-class, in, in fashion, in the mainstream, in vogue, latest, modernistic, now, ostentatious, pretentious, rakish, ritzy, sassy, sharp, showy, snappy, swank, swell, up-to-date, uptown, urbane, voguish, funny, absurd, amusing, droll entertaining, hilarious, ludicrous, playful, ridiculous, silly, angel, archangel, cherub, guardian, seraph, spirit, sprite, divine, whimsical, humdinger, friendly, affable, affectionate, amiable, amicable, attentive, beneficial, chummy, cordial, familiar, favorable, good, helpful, loving, loyal, neighborly, peaceful, receptive, sympathetic, inviting, welcoming, close, faithful, kind, sociable, tender, thick, attached, auspicious, benevolent, benign, buddy-buddy, civil, clubby, comradely, conciliatory, confiding, convivial, fond, genial, kindly, on good terms, outgoing, peaceable, propitious, solicitous, well-disposed, charitable, accommodating, altruistic, benign, humanitarian, philanthropic, all heart, beneficent, benevolent, big, bighearted, bountiful, eleemosynary, horny, concupiscent, desiring, hard up, hot, hot to trot, lascivious, libidinous, lustful, oversexed, passionate, randy, good, helpful, humane, kind, kindly, lavish, liberal, obliging, sympathetic, jolly, rich, riot, screaming, slapstick, blithe, capricious, clever, diverting, facetious, farcical, for grins, gelastic, good-humored, hysterical, jocose, jocular, joking, knee, slapper, laughable, merry, mirthful, priceless, riotous, risible, side-splitting,, sportive, waggish, witty, fun, amusing, enjoyable, entertaining, lively, pleasant, boisterous, convivial, diverting, merry, witty, feisty, bubbly, courageous, excitable, fiery, gritty, gutsy, high-strung, lively, scrappy, spunky, active, alive, difficult, enthusiastic, frisky, full of pep, game, gutty, hot-blooded, fancy, complicated, decorative, deluxe, elegant, frilly gaudy, lavish, ornate, special, sumptuous, adorned, baroque, beautifying, chichi,  custom, decorated,  elaborate, embellished, garnished gingerbread, rich, rococo, cushy, fanciful, florid, froufrou, intricate, ostentatious, resplendent, showy, spiffy, unusual, royal aristocratic, dignified, illustrious, imperial, magnificent, noble, stately, august, elevated, high, ruling, wife, bride, companion, partner, roommate, spouse, consort, helpmate, mate, monogamist, other half, sovereign, superior, worthy, authoritative, baronial, commanding, eminent, grandiose, highborn, honorable, imposing, impressive, kingly, lofty, majestic, queenly, regal, regnant, reigning, renowned, resplendent, splendid, superb, supreme, mettlesome, ornery, peppy, quarrelsome, sensitive, thin-skinned, tough, truculent, zestful, loyal, devoted, dutiful, patriotic, staunch, steadfast, true, trustworthy, allegiant, attached, behind one, believing, coming through, constant, dyed-in-the-wool, firm, on one’s side,, resolute, steady, tried-and-true, true-blue, trusty, unfailing, unswerving, unwavering, loving, admiring, affectionate, amiable, attentive, benevolent, caring, considerate, cordial, dear, devoted, doting, earnest, faithful, friendly, generous, loyal, passionate, romantic, thoughtful, warm, attached, concerned, enamored, infatuated, liking, respecting, tender, valuing, amatory, amorous, anxious, appreciative, ardent, bound up, demonstrative, erotic, expressive, fervent, fond, idolatrous, impassioned, kind, reverent, reverential, sentimental, solicitous, warm-hearted, worshipful, zealous, adorable, beautiful, charming, delightful, pleasant, pretty, dainty, scrumptious, ambrosial, appetizing, delectable, delightful, exquisite, heavenly, inviting, luscious, lush, magnificent, mouthwatering, rich, succulent, tasty, yummy, delectable, appetizing, delicate, delightful, enticing, hour glass, exquisite, heavenly, luscious, palatable, satisfying, pear shaped, savory, tasty, yummy, adorable, agreeable, ambrosial, charming, kissing, embracing, bussing, caressing, necking, parking, petting, smooching, spooning, love-making, making out, sucking face, boobs, breasts, tits, titties, hooters, commitment, engagement, guarantee, need, pledge, promise, responsibility, charge, committal, devoir, duty, liability, must, undertaking, vow, word, ought, knockers, melons, bosom, feminine, ladylike, soft, tender, womanly, effeminate, womanish, chest, cleavage, pair, genitalia, pudenda, clitoris, breasts, bosom, chest, nipple, bust, front, mammilla, teat, udder, hymen, cunnilingus, choice, dainty, darling, delish, trust, confidence, expectation, faith, hope, assurance, certainty, certitude, conviction, credence, credit, dependence, positiveness, reliance, stock, store, sureness, entrustment, gospel truth, girl, mother, matron, she, femme, woman, divine, gratifying, inviting, lush, pleasant, pleasurable, rare, unique, sapid, scrumptious, intercourse, copulation, intimacy, coition, coitus, fornication, relations, sex, carnal knowledge, love making, sexual relations

Life has an interesting way of teaching us lessons. If there is one lesson life has taught me better than any other lesson, it’s that you are irreplaceable.

A person can’t live without a heart, and you Malia May Johnson, are my heart.


Michael David Johnson

P.S. The Center of my Universe –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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