Personal Life

Welcome To The World Isabella Jeanne Johnson!

Isabella Jeanne Johnson and Her Daddy Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Newborn Baby Photo

MJ: We got done early babe. I only have a couple things left to do and then I’m headed your way.

Malia: Yay! Someone is here to meet you when you get home. When you get here you can take us to the hospital.

MJ: Are you ok? Are the kids ok? Is there an emergency? Why isn’t Brittany or somebody taking you to the hospital?

Malia: I have never been better! Everyone is great! I wanted to wait for you to take us to the hospital.

MJ: I will be out of the SCIF soon and I can call you. Mr. Pete is going to punch it.

Malia: You don’t have to rush. Please come straight here but you don’t have to rush.

MJ: This isn’t making any sense. How can you never be better, the kids are ok, but you want to go to the hospital? Wtf sweetheart?

Malia: A surprise visitor came today. After you meet her, you can take us to the hospital.

MJ: What surprise visitor came today? Why do you want me to meet her before I take you to the hospital? I am so fucking confused.

Malia: Well, her name is Isabella and I wanted her to meet her daddy before she meets strangers at the hospital.

MJ: Isabella was born already? Or do you mean your water broke?

Malia: My water broke and Isabella was born.

MJ: Oh my God! Why didn’t you or someone let me know? Is Isabella ok? 10 fingers 10 toes and everything?

Malia: There wasn’t any time. My water broke and she came out not too long after that. Isabella is happy and healthy. I already breast fed her.

MJ: Thank God! Who delivered her, Brittany?

Malia: I did.

MJ: You had the baby and delivered the baby?

Malia: Un huh

MJ: I am afraid to tell you what I am thinking at the moment.

Malia: Let me guess. You are thinking……..That is some alien shit. I knew she was an alien!

MJ: I was thinking 2 things. 1. I was thinking about how amazing you are. 2. I was thinking that is some alien shit. I knew she was an alien!

MJ: I just got word they are on the way to sign me out. I will be otw shortly.

Malia: Isabella can’t wait to meet her daddy!

MJ: I can’t wait to meet her. Daddies on the way Isabella!!

Malia: There is some bad news. The bad news indulges your alien theory kind of.

MJ: Did you grow a tail?

Malia: Baby fluid goop went everywhere. We might need a new bed.

MJ: As long as you and Izzy are good, all is well.

Malia: Awww! You called her Izzy! Love it!

MJ: We don’t have a middle name for her yet.

Malia: Jeanne

MJ: After my mom?

Malia: Yeah. What do you think?

MJ: I think I love you more than ever!

Malia: Good because you’re stuck with me forever.

MJ: I wouldn’t exactly call that stuck. Maybe a happy stuck. My mom is going to love that!

Malia: She’s here babysitting and playing with the kids. I asked her if that was okay with her. She cried and said yes.

MJ: I am so happy! You are the best wife woman mother this world has ever seen! I am going to kiss you and little Isabella a bunch and hold her.

Malia: And then take us to the hospital?

MJ: And then take you to the hospital. Leaving now! I can’t put into words the joy and happiness you bring to my life baby cakes!

The Johnson Family Is Expanding! –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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