Personal Life

The Johnson’s Are Moving!

Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson New Home in Virginia Exterior Picture

MJ: After the kids go to bed we have to talk. It is important. It’s nothing to panic about or anything like that, but it is important that we talk about this sooner rather than later.

Malia: Okay

MJ: I was expecting you to reply with at least a few questions.

Malia: I trust you. As long as we are together as a family, any house we live in is our home.

MJ: I am glad you think like that. I think that way too.

Malia: Brittany told me that the man who jumped over the gate and tried to break into our house was a random person. They were not targeting us.

MJ: Our family’s security is one of the important things I want to talk about tonight.

Malia: I love you baby!

MJ: I love you too. Do you promise me you will hear me all the way out tonight before you react?

Malia: Yes, but I don’t think you will have to do much explaining tonight.

MJ: Hopefully you will see the benefits/possibilities when we talk.

Malia: I will

MJ: What if I told you the feds want us to move to another state and live in a new house?

Malia: I would be for it.

MJ: Really?

Malia: Yep!

MJ: I know how much work we, but especially you, have put into decorating/customizing our house, the guest house, etc. It wouldn’t bother you to start over again?

Malia: I guess it depends on the house, the location, etc.

MJ: That is good to hear my love.

Malia: Are we moving or what?

MJ: The feds found a house in another state they want us to move into. We don’t have to do it. I told them I had to talk to you first because our family makes decisions together.

Malia: I love the house baby! It is only 15 minutes from where we live now.

MJ: How do you know?

Malia: They knew you would only move if I was okay with moving, so they decided to contact me to tell me about the move and to show me the house.

MJ: Why didn’t you tell me about it?

Malia: It happened today. Your mom watched the kids and Brittany and I toured the house and heard the plan. We literally just got back home.

MJ: Did you like the house?

Malia: I love it! I was dreaming about decorating it while we were there. Do you like it?

MJ: I haven’t seen it yet. I would like to see it before we decide to move, but I am happy you like it.

Malia: You will like it. I want to live there!

MJ: You like it that much more than our current house?

Malia: Yes, but I will always love this house and our memories here!

MJ: What makes you “love it” that much? Is it bigger? Better layout? What?

Malia: It is on it’s own street, has a private secluded entrance, it backs up to the water, large plot of land, and the house is to die for! OMG!

MJ: We have a big family. We need room. Is it at least as big as our current house?

Malia: It makes our current house look like a one-bedroom apartment.

MJ: No way! Our house is 11,000 plus square feet.

Malia: I know! Wait until you see it. Remember that house you told me about in Akron that the founder of Goodyear tire built?

MJ: Yeah. Stan Hywet.

Malia: I don’t know if the house is that big, but it literally could be. Not kidding!

MJ: Wow!  Well ok then. I do know the government is paying half the cost.

Malia: I want to sell you on the house. Ready?

MJ: Sure

Malia: You know how you love the water and have always wanted a boat?

MJ: Yeah

Malia: You can buy your boat and dock it in our back yard lake…….

Malia: The closets are beyond epic. This is the master closet……..

Malia: Want to go swimming during the winter? No problem! It has an indoor pool…….

Malia: Amazing kitchen………

Malia: A dining room perfect for all occasions……..

Malia: Oh…………

Malia: My………..

Malia: God……..

Malia: Look at the spiral staircase…….

Malia: How could you not have a perfect bath in this bath tub-

Malia: And it has a freakin basketball court…….

Malia: The house screams…LIVE IN ME!

Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson New Home in Virginia Exterior Picture

Malia: I did not include any pictures of the bedroom because I want to give you a personalized tour of that area of the house myself. 😉

MJ: I like the bedroom personal tour idea! The house looks nice.

Malia: Yeah! Brittany is going to take us over there on Thursday if that is okay with you.

MJ: Ok. I am happy if you’re happy.

Malia: Wait until you see this place! It is incredible and then some!

MJ: Do you think the kids will like it?

Malia: I do. Their lives wouldn’t change much.

MJ: Ok. I will be home tonight. I love you Malia.

Malia: I am so excited! I love you too my wonderful awesome husband!

Malia & Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Love Collection –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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