Personal Life

The Johnson Family Is Expanding!

Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Look of Love Black & White Photo

Malia: Do you know what I am?

MJ: An MK Ultra sex kitten

Malia: Guess again

MJ: A shapeshifting sex alien?

Malia: Nope. Guess again.

MJ: A fembot?

Malia: Nope. Guess again. It has to do with love.

MJ: A love machine?

Malia: Oh my God baby! What can our love create?

MJ: Family? Happiness?

Malia: You are red hot with the family answer. Think bigger family.

MJ: I thought we were going to do a test tonight? Did you jump the gun?

Malia: I couldn’t wait, so I found a loophole on the let’s do a test tonight plan.

MJ: Was the loophole that we can do a test tonight, but you could do a test earlier than tonight if you want to?

Malia: Yeah. Are you mad at me?

MJ: Not at all. You don’t think I know you by now?

Malia: Did you think I was going to do a test earlier in the day so that we could just celebrate tonight if I was and not talk about it if I wasn’t?

MJ: Yep. And you said you felt pregnant. And you told me your period was late. And I have noticed that you have started doing belly karate.

Malia: You were right. Is belly karate protecting my belly from being bumped or run into, etc.?

MJ: Yes. What are you feeling? Boy? Girl? Twins? Sextuplets?

Malia: I don’t know. The last time I knew it was a boy. Christopher was a little Incredible Hulk. I don’t have an exact feeling about gender yet. I am thinking a girl, but I am not sure.

Malia: If it is a girl what do you want to name her?

MJ: Definitely not any name on the top stripper names list.

Malia: You mean you don’t want to name her Candy or Florida?

MJ: No offense to the Candy’s and Florida’s of the world, but no the fuck I don’t.

Malia: Good. Neither do I. For real though, do you have any names in mind?

MJ: We have done a lot of honoring the Johnson side of our family with names. Do you want to honor the Dupont side of the family this time?

Malia: I don’t know. I have to think about it. The main Dupont women names are Victorine, Alice, Amy, Esther, Ethel, Jane, Louise, Natalie, Marian, Evelyn, and Zara.

Malia: And Ruth

MJ: I love how you let me think I am the one who picks the names while you secretly already have a name picked out that you will slowly lead me towards picking. When I finally say the right name that you already picked out, you will say- “I love that name. Let’s name her that.”

Malia: What, you think I am just this control freak who would something like that?

MJ: I do, but I love the way you are. You are just like my mom in that way. She realized that if she was an awesome wife and mom, my dad would never say a word about how she ran the house.

Malia: How dare you call me out like that!

MJ: But……

Malia: But the name Isabella seems so perfect doesn’t it? I let you go out there and conquer the world and do whatever you do outside the home. Why wouldn’t you let me do whatever I want to inside the home?

MJ: I like it. How did you arrive at the name Isabella?

Malia: You know how I love the name Elizabeth?

MJ: Yeah

Malia: Isabella is the Italian and Spanish version of Elizabeth.

MJ: Gotcha.

Malia: I also like the name Elena. Isabella is my favorite though. What are your thoughts on the name Elena?

MJ: My only thought on the name Elena is that’s Zorro’s wife’s name.

Malia: The name Elena has now been eliminated from the competition. What are your thoughts on the name Isabella?

MJ: I have only one thought on the name Isabella. Our next-door neighbors in Ohio after that girl Meredith and her family moved out was Bob and Susan. They had a daughter named Isabella.

Malia: The owner of the chicken house you worked at in high school and college?

MJ: That’s the one. I learned a lot from him. He was old school, tough but fair.

Malia: You didn’t date that Isabella or anything right?

MJ: I was like 18 when she was born. She was probably 5 years old when I moved to Texas. I do hope she is doing well and is happy. I wish that for their whole family. Good people.

Malia: I can live with that. Maybe I will get to meet them sometime.

MJ: I hope so too. An Ohio trip is in order at some point.

MJ: Are ready for the ah ha good choice moment?

Malia: Sure. Lay it on me.

MJ: I was thinking about names if we have a girl. What do you think about the name Isabella?

Malia: Oh my God! I love it! Where did you come up with that name?

MJ: You know how I love the name Elizabeth? And I love our daughter Elizabeth obviously.

Malia: Uh huh.

MJ: Well, I found out that Isabella is the Italian and Spanish version of the name Elizabeth.

Malia: Wow! I feel like you are reading my mind with the name Isabella. Good job baby.

MJ: Thank you. I do my best. I need to run. Sex at 3:00?

Malia: Can you make it 3:30 or has to be 3?

MJ: I have from 3 until 3:45. I can do 3:30 but we’re talking a wham bam thank you ma’am and skedaddle.

Malia: I want the good stuff. I will make 3 work. Mr. Johnson, you can come drop your Johnson off at 3. XOXO!!

MJ: 🙂

Revealing The Man I Love…..

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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