Personal Life

“Stimulated! Stimulated! Oh baby!”

Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson at Sea World in San Antonio Texas

MJ: I just talked to my mom. Thank you for helping her lenes.

Malia: I don’t understand. The “lenes”?

MJ: Yeah, every lady in her church group’s name ends in lene. Carlene, Jolene, Ilene, Sharlene, Paulene. There are probably more lenes than that.

Malia: OMG! All of their names do end in lene besides your mom and one other lady. You have an interesting way of looking at things babe.

MJ: What are you doing right now?

Malia: Why, are you going to come make a move on me or something?

MJ: What makes you think that?

Malia: I was watching you out the window. I could see you comb your hair and look to see if you had anything in your teeth.

MJ: Stalker!

Malia: Yeah. Are you going to make a move on me “Stimulated! Stimulated! Oh baby!”?

MJ: Listen here woman! When you started giving me a bj, you told me to tell you when I was gonna blow, because you were feeling morning sickness sick, and you thought you would throw up if I went in your mouth. You told me to warn you, so I did. “Stimulated! Stimulated! Oh baby!”, is what came out.

Malia: Well, something else came out too.

MJ: Yes it did, and fast, and a lot.

Malia: Are you going to make a move on me Mr. Johnson?

MJ: I was thinking about it.

Malia: Am I your afternoon break?

MJ: More like my afternoon snack.

Malia: Meeeeeooooww!!

MJ: So, a little sexercise workout? Yeah?

Malia: Can I tell you something baby?

MJ: Sure.

Malia: If you left me I would stalk you like a crazy person.

MJ: If you left me I would stalk you like a crazy person too.

Malia: Would you really stalk me?

MJ: Yes! Does it make you happy that I would stalk you if you left me?

Malia: Yeah, it kinda does. I would want you to miss me so much that you stalked me.

MJ: We sound like 2 crazy people right now.

Malia: I don’t care. I would die if you left me. I’m serious.

MJ: Me too. Our family is everything to me.

Malia: You promise you would stalk me if we broke up?

MJ: You are just the right amount of f@&ked up in the head for me my love.

Malia: I am?

MJ: Definitely!

Malia: Would you spy on me too?

MJ: It would look like a CIA stakeout on Bin Laden’s compound!

MJ: Would you keep it classy if you were stalking me?

Malia: Not at all. I would be a total psycho creeper looking in your windows.

MJ: Why do I feel like I would end up being tied up in your basement?

Malia: I promise I would only keep you tied up in my basement until you came to your senses and wanted to be with me again.

Malia: You are obsessed with me and I am obsessed with you. I’m okay with that. Hey, we are going to run out of sexy time soon. Michael David Johnson…..Carpe Maliadiem!

“That’s The Last Thing On My Mind!” –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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