Personal Life

Russia Invades Ukraine

MJ: I will not be home tonight. Russia is invading Ukraine. I’m sure the media will learn about it soon and you’ll see it on the news. I love you!

Malia: Why is Russia invading Ukraine?

MJ: The real reason or what they saying through the media publicly?

Malia: Real

MJ: Putin has a hard on to put the old Soviet Union/U.S.S.R. back together.

Malia: And Ukraine was one of the USSR countries?

MJ: Yeah. The USSR countries were Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.

Malia: What are the odds Putin invades Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, and the other one if he takes over Ukraine?

MJ: Belarus would probably join voluntarily. They ally with Russia already. Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan combined and are called Transcaucasia. Transcaucasia would likely either join or be forced to join USSR 2.0 if Ukraine falls to Russia and Belarus joined voluntarily.

Malia: Is Putin crazy enough to invade those countries and build USSR 2.0?

MJ: I’ve never met him but based on his actions so far, yes.

Malia: Why would he risk war when he doesn’t have to?

MJ: I think he is thinking legacy. If he could rebuild the USSR he would be remembered forever as the man who brought “The Great Soviet Empire” back.

Malia: How bad is this going to get ya think?

MJ: War has intentional and unintentional consequences. I don’t know.

Malia: You just don’t want to scare me. Tell me the truth. I need to hear it so I can mentally prepare.

MJ: I don’t know for sure. It depends. Russia is going to be hit with harsh economic sanctions. President Putin and Russian leadership are not going to like it. Russia could respond to the sanctions with aggressive cyber-attacks against the countries imposing the sanctions.

MJ: I heard an analyst say- “Putin is beating up a weaker kid. We are punishing him by taking away his country’s money. What Putin does from there is the all-important question.”

Malia: There is nothing on the news yet.

MJ: I’m watching live satellite footage. We are on high alert. The concern isn’t that Russia would take military action against us. The concern is they have powerful cyber capabilities, and Russia is a major o&g producer and supplier. Russia supplies Europe with 45% of its natural gas.

Malia: You are Americas go to cyber hero expert. What do you think Russia will do cybertarily?

MJ: During times of war emotions run high. This is the largest military action in Europe in almost 80 years, since World War II. We have to show Putin with our actions that the west means business. We are going to be hitting Russia with “the mother of all sanctions” as we are calling it. Putin/Russia is going to be shut off from the world monetarily/economically. Hopefully grinding Russia’s economy to a standstill with sanctions will bring Putin to the negotiating table. If it has the opposite effect, and Russia decides to retaliate with cyber-attacks among other nonmilitary options at its disposal, I think they could destabilize the world economy, and cause a deep global recession.

Malia: I love you! Our kids first war. 🙁

MJ: I hope it’s their last, but it’s unlikely. Thoughts and prayers with the Ukrainian people.

Malia: I can’t imagine what it would be like to be under attack. Thoughts and prayers, like you said.

Malia: Do you think Putin will retaliate against sanctions?

MJ: Yes

Malia: No hedge? You just said “Yes”.  Are you that confident he will?

MJ: I think Putin is showing that Russia is back as a World power. To make a definitive statement that Russia is Europe’s #1 power, and a top world power, Putin knows he has to strut his/Russia’s stuff, and all eyes in the world are on him right now. A country doesn’t take the largest military action in Europe in 75 plus years lightly. I think he will retaliate at varying levels against sanctioning countries in Europe via cyber-attacks and use Russia’s massive oil & gas reserves/production to bring the rest of Europe to their knees right along with Russia’s economy.

Malia: I wish I knew Vladimir Putin’s wife. I would tell her to sanction her husband with sex sanctions. No sex until the war is over. Less than a week, the war is over, and the world can take a big sigh of relief.

MJ: I love you more than anything. Will you do me a favor?

Malia: Sure. Anything. What can I do?

MJ: Kiss our babies for me.

Malia: I kissed them, and whispered daddy loves you.

MJ: Thank you.

Malia: No problem!

MJ: If Russia is smart, they will take Ukraine quickly, install some type of Russian controlled government, and not occupy Ukraine with troops.   I think that is what they want to do. Russia doesn’t want the world to sanction them to death. They want to put the world on notice by flexing their muscles, and they want to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. I’m sure Russia can’t stand the idea of the idea of Ukraine joining the west. They don’t want a western ally right up against their border, in the same way we went ape shit during the Cuban missile crisis in the 1960’s, when Russia was trying to arm their ally Cuba, which is 90 minutes from the U.S., give or take.

Malia: I know it’s unlikely, but however unlikely, if Russia does the unthinkable and launches nukes at us, what then?

MJ: Bad! Very bad!

Malia: I’m not joking. Please answer seriously.

MJ: We would follow the doomsday emergency plan they went over with us. If we made it into the bunker in time, and there aren’t any direct/near direct bunker area detonations, we would likely survive, but we would probably not be able to leave the bunker for the rest of our lives. The fallout, radiation, and fires would cause devastation worse than we could ever imagine.

Malia: My children are going to go to grow up, learn how to drive, go on dates, go to college and graduate, get married and have babies of their own. There is no room in that plan for a nuclear apocalypse!

MJ: I want that very much, minus the horny teenage boys trying to fuck my little girls during high school and college.

Malia: I saw that response coming. I want to hear you say it.

MJ: I can’t call you right now. I’m sorry babe.

Malia: I’ll settle for it in text for now. We are going to be ok right?

MJ: I think the world is going to overact in the short term. Panic stock market sell offs, and a lot of fear and uncertainty, but yes, we are going to be ok.

Malia: I trust you. Now it’s on the news. “Breaking news: Russia launches military attack on Ukraine”. I like that I always get to know the news first, but this shit is unsettling!

MJ: I have to go sweetheart. I will text when I can. I love you.

Malia: Do what you need to do to keep us safe.

Distinguished Intelligence Cross Awarded To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson For Acts of Extraordinary Heroism –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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