We are not looking back baby! Those 6 assholes the other day, who beat the hell out of Dubs, Marcus, me, etc., and even tried to scratch and kick Malia’s belly, will be going away for a LONGGGGG TIME!
Those boys committed a whole laundry list of crimes! Even a hate crime! On the recording, you can clearly hear 5 out of the 6 guys say the n word while they were stomping the shit out of me, when I was on top of Malia trying to block them from kicking her/our babies.
What do you get when you combine assaulting officers of the law, drunk and disorderly conduct, assault, resisting arrest, attempted murder, a hate crime, and whatever else those boys will be charged with?
You get to go to prison for a very, very, very, long time!! I also personally plan to help them get the racial sensitivity help they need. How can I do that? Well, I think if those boys were put in an all or mostly black prison, and the inmates were told that they like to throw the n word around a lot, and even attempted to kill 2 half black babies, and a black woman, I think the all/mostly black inmate population, might just be able to help rape, I mean remove some of those racist tendencies they have!
Thank you to all of the security personnel, intelligence officers, police officers, etc., who helped us/came to the rescue when we were attacked the other day at the pool.