My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 85 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:
“Merry everything daddy.” Elizabeth Grace Johnson
“Way okay. Fun is fun.” Elizabeth Grace Johnson
“Daddy, are Jesus and Santa friends?” Cash Michael Johnson
“You don’t die. I really like that.” Malia May Johnson
“Haters will try to find fault with you every day. And every day you should ignore them.” J.J. Mendelhaussen
“Tell MJ it’s Texas callin. He’ll know it’s me.” Matthew McConaughey
“My pronouns change. At the moment my pronouns are drinking, tipsy, drunk. I miss you bro! Longbranch Bourbon! It goes well with every meal. Breakfast, lunch and if you remember, dinner.” Matthew McConaughey
“There is never any good news on the news. The news makes my black ass want to drink.” Kanye West
“People always callin me crazy because they don’t understand me. I have to hang out with you to know I ain’t crazy. Genius see genius MJ.” Kanye West
“If a man wants to live as peaceful a life as possible, he needs to avoid putting his dick in crazy. That’s all I’m sayin.” Kevin M.
“I like to wait till the last minute. I like the rush of having to make shit happen in a near impossible time frame.” Chris Hubbard
“I love how every single thing you buy has the word tactical in it. Hey babe, check out my new tactical backpack. I also got tactical tech gear and tactical supplies. Tactically kiss me.” Malia May Johnson
“Exceptions to the rule do not disprove the rule. Rules are rules for a reason man.” Marcus Jennings
“There is no such thing as only one way. Multiple ways always exist.” Tony Robbins
“Indian version of a Karen. A dot Karen. I can say that because I’m Indian ” Lakshmi Devi
“Total clown world. Feelings over facts is a recipe for disaster.” Kristi Jennings aka Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch
“Rise to the occasion to prove to yourself you can.” Jeff Dachis
“Look at that ish. Ukrainia Mania is running wild on Russia bro.” Kevin M.
“I am pro the make it happen mother fuckers. Without them, the world would be an uninhabitable disaster.” Donald Trump Jr.
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 84 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson –