Personal Life

MJ The Guinea Pig

Malia: Baby we need you to be our Guinea pig. My friend that you nicknamed Buttons the first time you met her and her husband are having relationship problems. She came over crying a little while ago. She wants to save her marriage. Will you help us?

MJ: Sure. What can I do?

Malia: We have some questions that we want to ask you. We’re trying to understand the man/husband’s perspective on things. Feel free to add any thoughts and suggestions you think that might be helpful.

MJ: Ok. I’m waiting on a call. I’ll give you all the time I have until they call.

Malia: Awesome! Thank you baby!

Malia: How important is sex in a relationship?

MJ: Extremely important

Malia: How often do you think guys want to have sex with their wives?

MJ: Everyday

Malia: How many times monthly on average do you think a husband thinks is a reasonable amount?

MJ: 8 to 15 times a month

Malia: Is that 2 to 3 times a week times 4?

MJ: Yeah

Malia: I love you

MJ: I love you to

Malia: What if the wife is avoiding sex/intimacy because she isn’t feeling very good about herself and her confidence is low?

MJ: How long has she been avoiding sex?

Malia: What if I said 3 months?

MJ: Oh my God. That’s not good.

Malia: It’s been 6 months she has been avoiding sex.

MJ: No way! Do they sleep in the same bed?

Malia: Yes.

MJ: No way! No quickies, no bj’s, no nothing?

Malia: No nothing for 6 months.

MJ: Sex is important to guys. Sex to us is like talking is to women. We need it. I’m surprised he isn’t going nuts.

Malia: He is. He told her he has thought about having an affair when they were fighting. It crushed her. That is why she is so sad. She loves her husband and wants to save her marriage.

MJ: Is there a reason she doesn’t want to have sex? It’s a lot of fun.

Malia: Isn’t feel good about her body right now. Low self-esteem.

MJ: But no physical reason, right?

Malia: Right

MJ: Because if there was a physical reason like she had a surgery or something like that, if he’s a decent dude I bet he would be understanding about it.

Malia: What do you think?

MJ: Has he been putting her down? Making her feel bad about herself or something like that?

Malia: She said no. She said he hasn’t said anything negative about her.

MJ: Did something happen to her? Why is she feeling bad about herself?

Malia: She has gained 30 pounds.

Malia: She said he is a good husband. She said if they get a divorce, it would be her fault. She said it crushed her when he said he has thought about having an affair.

MJ: There are solutions here.

Malia: He said he has thought about having an affair. It would kill me to hear you say that.

MJ: I’m a happy man baby. Please don’t worry about that. He probably said that to let her know how serious is. He probably figured positive reinforcement didn’t work so he tried the opposite.

Malia: What should she do?

MJ: She needs to tell him about this. He deserves to know the truth. I can all but guarantee you that he will be relieved hearing about this. He probably thinks she’s cheating on him. He probably loves her a great deal. He would love her and want her if she gained 100 pounds. If she works with him a little, he would do the same in return.

Malia: She says thank you. Thank you from me to.  My mom is so right.

MJ: About what?

Malia: Men.

MJ: The balls belly believe thing?

Malia: Yeah. Keep his belly full, his balls drained, believe in him, and be there for him.

MJ: It has worked on me. You have me wrapped around your finger.

Malia: Yeah, but there are benefits to being wrapped around my finger. Later I’m going to pretend that we haven’t had sex in 6 months.

MJ: Your friend is going to be okay.

Malia: She is going to surprise him tonight with sex then tell him.

MJ: Good. Will you be my Guinea pig?

Malia: As soon as she leaves, as long as it is before 5.

MJ: Yeah

Malia: Yeah! 😉

Note- The day after these texts happen my friend who was having marital problems called and told me what happened that night with her husband. She said she went straight home and told him the truth. He said he loved her new bigger butt. Then she told me they had sex 3 times. She said it is the best sex they have ever had. Yay for love, happiness and happy endings, both the Hall Mark kind and the fun bedroom kind!

Malia’s Path To Pleasure Foreplay Texts With MJ –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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