Personal Life

MJ Drunk Texting Malia While Packing Up His Items At His Old House

Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson and Matthew McConaughey Drunk Texting Picture Collage

Malia: How is packing going?

MJ: Amarzing!

Malia: Amarzing huh? What is the average blood alcohol content down there?

MJ: 3.14

Malia: PI? 3.14?

MJ: Matti said I had to get each one of the multiple personalities Gotye said I have drunk?

Malia: Is that a question?

MJ: That is the answer my lovee!

Malia: What is?

MJ: Exactly!

Malia: Are you guys actually packing the rest of your shit or not?

MJ: No one is packing my shitt baby. Im a straight man, but people who do that, like Matti, go for it! Whatever makes you happy.

MJ: Matti told me he saw Dubs penis earlier before she lefy.

Malia: Dubs is a girl. I know she doesn’t have a penis.

MJ: Matti said it is your wod against his.

Malia: Dubs just called actually. She said you guys have called AG 10 times. AG told Dubs she is going to kill you if you call her back and leave another “Scorn busters” remix.

MJ: Baby this rap remix cheek is out- Wave your scorn in the air like you just dont care. Yay yay scorn busters!

Malia: AG doesn’t want to hear that at 11 oclock at night or probably ever!

MJ: DOnt worry baby. Im sure she will jus hit me with some more enormous “Miscellaneous” fees. I can see it now….Listened to 10 versionsd of Scorn busters voice mails $1,000 + $500 after hours fee.

Malia: Dubs is pissed.

MJ: Fuck her! She wont even let me text my kid! We aee at home drinking and not doing breaking any lawesd. let the good times rolll!l

Malia: This week blow off steam baby. Next week back to birth plans, etc.

MJ: Watch this picture on this babby. I lovew you to paces!

Malia: Could you walk a straight line right now baby? Could any of you?

MJ: Kevin sad yes.

Malia: Kevin said he could walk a straight line?

MJ: Yes, he said he coul walk in a a straight line if it was curved.

Malia: Then the line wouldn’t be straight.

MJ: Baby you gotta think outside ths line if you want to sccceed these doys.

Malia: I love you drunko. Enjoy your all night drunk fest.

MJ: Do you know what timoe is it is?

Malia: “Is it is” 11:40?

MJ: No is 5 oclock.

Malia: 5 oclock?

MJ: SOmewhere

Malia: Its 5 oclock somewhere?

MJ: Yep@!

Malia: Only in yalls minds baby.

MJ: We will wait for the judges decsionsd

Malia: The judges decision?

MJ: THe judges ruled it close enough.

Malia: Ruled what close enough?

MJ: 5 oclock n our minds is close enough ]

Malia: Go for it baby! You deserve it! I’m sorry you had a shitty day today. Only you could have legal issues in San Diego County California, at an apartment complex in Austin, Texas.

MJ: I’m in a betyer place now.

Malia: I love you!

MJ: I love uyou too! Chris said he wants to got on the honor roll and go for a 4.0. He saysd 3.14 pi is not good enough put report card on friezerator his monsd hoise.

Malia: If you were here right now would you be to drunk to have sex with me?

MJ: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EW#

Malia: Hit me with a ridiculous pick up line and then go to bed or drink or pass out or scratch your balls or whatever you boys are planning to do.

MJ: You AQrer so Beautiful That You Made Me Forget My Pickup Lin.

Malia: Are you sure it wasn’t the alcohol?

MJ: Bany I think y9ou are so bleautiful you cant even undstandfs! Is so big like form to the moon and back. and love to. I;m toling you I would jank throuhg fire for you.

Malia: Really? You would “Jank” through fire for me?

MJ: Yes

Malia: You are making me laugh MJ The Tipsy. Last one. Roses are red me.

MJ: k. Ross are red. violents are blue, i could never be hopyu withous you.!w

Malia: Aww! You are so drunk you are writing in Chinese almost.

MJ: Do you bang dong?

Malia: Don’t cream of some young guy joke me.

MJ: k.

Malia: I love you! Kisses from floor PH51 baby!

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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