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Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Addresses Recent Events

Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Port Aransas Texas Beach Close Up Selfie


I felt motivated to address some of the recent events and things that have been going on, both the positive and the negative.

1. Thank you for all of the nice and supportive comments about me being named “Father of the Year” at Bethesda Country Club. I pride myself on being the best Dad I can be. I really love being a Dad. There is nothing that brings me more happiness and fulfillment than being a good Dad and spending as much time with my family as possible.

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Named Bethesda Country Club’s Father of the Year –

2. What inspired Malia and I’s donation of $1,000,000 to COVID19 relief efforts had nothing to do with trying to make myself look good/to improve the image of “MJ The Terrible”.

Here is why and how Malia and I’s donation of $1,000,000 to the World Health Organization’s COVID19 relief fund happened.

I received a $2,000,000 bonus check from an organization that I did contract work for. The organization is very involved with the World Health Organization (WHO). The head of the organization called me and asked me if I would be willing to make a donation to the World Health Organization’s COVID19 relief fund. He also told me that his organization would match any donation that I made. I told him I would make a donation, but I wanted to think about what amount I would like to donate, before committing. He said okay, and to let him know once I had decided. That was on a Thursday.

On Friday, Malia and I talked about it, and called our banker to see how much money we have. The amount of money we had was way more than what we thought we had. Malia said- “I think we should donate half of your bonus check ($1,000,000), to the COVID19 relief fund. We have more money than we thought we had, and we would still have the other $1,000,000 left of your bonus, even after we donate the million.”

On Saturday I thought about it some more, and told Malia I agree with her, that we should donate a million dollars.

On Sunday I spoke with the pastor of the church I attended when I was growing up, Dallas Billington, about the COVID19 donation matching proposition. He told me that “To whom much is given, much is expected.” It was great to get to speak with my old pastor. He has always been a positive force for good in my life. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me and provide me with the counsel I needed Pastor Dallas.

Then I talked with Malia one more time about it, and she said, “We should give a million dollars, because they are going to match any donation we make, which means $2,000,000 is really going towards COVID19 relief; our million and their matching million.”

Sunday night I called the head of the organization that asked me to make a donation and told him we want to donate a million dollars. He said that was great, and he agreed to match our donation. I told him we wanted to give the donation privately, so that it didn’t make a stir. He asked if we would be willing to make our donation public, because it would help to raise awareness for the cause and would lead to more people donating more money.

Then I asked Malia if she would be okay with making our donation public. She said that was fine with her.

Then I called my parents and asked them what they thought about it. They thought it was a good idea.

Then I called Mr. Fanning, who is a mentor of mine, and almost like a second father to me. He thought it was a good idea also.

Then I called back the head of the organization that asked me to donate and told him we would make a public announcement and donate the money the next day, on Monday, which is exactly what we did.

American Hero Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson and his wife Malia Johnson Donate $1,000,000 Towards COVID19 Relief Efforts –

3. Minister Farrakhan was really nice. I’m not sure why a neighbor of ours and some other folks are ragging on the guy so hard. He was nice as could be. He brought gifts for Malia, our babies, and me, and he had never even met me before. He even sent us a thank you basket after he came to visit us. Without him and I ever saying a word to each other, and without him even knowing me really, he helped take care of me when I had a headache. Minister Farrakhan, you are welcome to stay with us anytime. Thank you for being so good to my family.

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 6 –

4. Brittany, Chris, Tarica, Team Digital Death and Malia, I love y’all, and I love my gift. It was so thoughtful of you, and I am so unbelievably blessed to have each and every one of you in my life.

I am writing this entire post sitting in my first “car love”, the 1987 Pontiac Firebird Formula my parents had when I was a kid, that led to so many great childhood/teenage memories.

Thank you again y’all for tracking down the car, buying it for me, and for having it restored. It means a lot to me that y’all care enough about me to do something like this.

We Hope You Love Your Special Gift Baby…..

5. No, we did not use any intimidation tactics to get Peter Gil to sell us Cyber Intelligence Inc for less than its actual value.

Mr. Gil is the one who brought up the idea of the merger. He wanted $26,500,000. He wants to retire in 2 years. He wanted to continue to work at the company to finish the project he is currently working on, which he wants 50% of the profits from once it is finished, for as long as it is a viable product. He wanted to make sure his company was in good hands. He wanted to make sure none of his employees were laid off or terminated. He wanted to sell to us because we have a great working relationship, and because our 2 companies fit well together. The deal really strengthens Masters of Money LLC and positions us well for the future.

After I looked into his proposal, here is what I told him. I told him I wanted to make the deal with him, but I didn’t want to go into debt to make the deal, because I wanted to make sure we had the ability to debt finance if we needed it for expansion in the future. I agreed to his other terms, but I told him we could only pay $14,000,000 and still be able to commit to keeping all of his employees, because we would also have to pay off the remaining debt on Cyber Intelligence’s building when we sold it, and we would have to pay the cost of moving Cyber Intelligence’s office and employees into Masters of Money’s building.

He then asked if we could come up to $18,000,000. I decided to show him our financials, so he would know I was telling him the truth about our finances, and why I didn’t want to go above $14,000,000. He said he needed the number to be at least $14,600,000, because he wants to retire with no debt, and he still owes on his house. He said with $14,600,000, he could pay off his house, retire debt free, and we have a deal.

Then I asked Malia if she was okay with me using $600,000 from my bonus check, so that we could buy Cyber Intelligence. She looked at the numbers and said- “It looks like Cyber Intelligence is worth between $27,500,000 – $33,000,000. Buying it for $14,600,000 is a no brainer. Do it baby!”

I called Peter Gil, and told him we had a deal, on one condition. He asked what the condition was, and I told him the condition was that he let Malia and I take him and his wife Michelle, out to dinner sometime. He laughed and agreed. From there, I called my attorney, to ask how this was supposed to go. My attorney is the same attorney the Bush family uses, so he recommended that we contact Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., friends with the Bush Family, who are private bankers and merger experts, that could help us merge successfully. So, we did that, and from there things came together.

It is a good deal for all in the end. Peter gets what he wants. Everyone gets to keep their job, and Masters of Money gets to make a great deal, that both grows the value of the company, and helps to position the company for future growth.

Masters of Money LLC Acquires Cyber Intelligence Inc for $14,600,000 –

6. I want to thank Peter Gil, the Founder and CEO of Cyber Intelligence Inc, for thinking enough of me/Masters of Money LLC, that he proposed merging his company with ours, and for being willing to work with us, to create a win win scenario for all involved.

7. To all Cyber Intelligence Inc employees, we look forward to working with you.

Tarica and I, as well as all Masters of Money LLC employees, would like to welcome you to the team.

Masters of Money’s corporate culture is one of teamwork, encouragement, and success. We believe in hard work, fair play, and opportunity.

If you like being rewarded and recognized for your hard work, you are willing to work with others to create results, and you want upward mobility based solely on your hard work, skills, and accomplishments, then you will love working at Masters of Money LLC.

Tarica and I are also glad Peter will be staying on to help with the transition.

Welcome aboard!

8. I had no idea I was going to do what I did at the press conference yesterday. I was planning to just do the press conference as scheduled/as we had planned it, but right before we walked out on stage, I got a text message from Malia that said- “I love you. You’re going to do great at the press conference. Knock’em dead baby!”

I was thinking about her text as we walked out. When we got on stage I whispered to Tarica that I wanted to go be with Malia, would she mind doing the press conference without me?

Tarica whispered back- “You worked hard to make this deal happen. You should take some credit for your work.”

I whispered back that I don’t care about credit from anyone outside of my family and the company. I then told her that I would make a brief statement about the merger, and then I would let her take over.

Tarica whispered back that she would do a good job and make me proud. She also whispered that whatever I said or did she would support.

Then, when it was time for me to make a statement, I just couldn’t do it. That was when I teared up and the words I said about Malia being an angel, gave her the credit for making this deal possible, and that I was going to go have a Hollywood happy ending with her right now, just came out of my mouth. It was not planned at all. It was just a great moment that happened naturally.

Tarica Patel, aka BABB (Bad Ass Bangalore Bitch), you did a great job yesterday at the press conference, and I have no doubt you will do great things with the newly combined company.

It’s You! It’s You! It’s All Because of You! –

9. Malia May Taint Right Tittie Bonga Famunda Cheese Puthy Juicy Prada Princess Gucci Girl Wifey Baby Mama Baby cakes Johnson, you the best wife and mother that any husband or child could ever ask for. I am amazed by your love, kindness, compassion, beauty, style and grace, on a daily basis.

You are the love of my life. You are my better half. You are the mother of my children. You are…… The Center of my Universe –

In closing, I want to say thank you to all of Masters of Money, “MJ The Terrible”, Nerdy Black Girls, “MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death, and Money Channel, friends, connections, followers, subscribers, and fans. We love you, we appreciate you, and we know that none of this would be possible without you!



Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Senior Partner
Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.  
4701 Sangamore Rd
Suite 100N
Bethesda, MD 20816
Phone #: (240) 210-9540
Email: [email protected]

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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