Personal Life

Malia Gets Jealous of The Actress Playing Her in The Adventures of “MJ The Terrible” Movie

The Adventures of "MJ The Terrible" Silver Background Mock Movie Poster

Note- The name of the actress referenced in the following text message conversation was removed for privacy/legal reasons.

Malia: I am beside myself! I can’t eat. I can’t even fucking think clearly after seeing that movie star slut all over you!

Malia: I can’t believe how she didn’t give a shit that I was standing right there!

Malia: I thought it was going to be fun/flattering to have a movie star want to learn all about me so that she could play me in the movie, but the meet and greet was a fucking nightmare!

Malia: I am crying while I’m pounding my pillows!!

Malia: I know you are either on your way to working at the cyber lab or are already there, but I am losing my shit baby! That movie bitch didn’t care at all about learning about me. All she wanted was to study how to fuck you!

Malia: That movie starlet road whore wanted to fuck you! When I said no, she offered me money to fuck you, because somehow money would make it okay. Who does that?

Malia: She tried to be all over you. You did a good job of staying by me and then behind me when it was obvious how hard she was trying to be all over you. That handsy bitch needs to keep her slutty hands to herself!!

Malia: I completely understand now more than ever why you are nervous about Martin Scorsese making a movie about your/our life. I did see the downside before but little miss movie star being all over you right in front of me is driving me crazy! I hate it!

MJ: I’m sorry baby. We’re not quite there yet. Your texts showed up all at once. I could tell how excited/flattered you were that a famous movie star wanted to shadow you for a day, to learn all about you, so that she could play you in the movie. I’m sorry it backfired.

Malia: I was flattered until she pretended to actually be me in real life. Only I get to kiss you and fuck you! She can kiss and fuck movie you whenever, wherever, however, but not you you! You you is all mine!!!

MJ: I love you. I am all yours.

Malia: I don’t want her to play me in the movie. I want the original actress, Zoe Saldana, to play me. She was so nice and respectful.

MJ: I remember when the actor who is probably going to play me, Ryan Gosling, hugged you and you said on the fan Q&A you did that he was, “Extremely attractive.”

Malia: He hugged me one time! He was very professional compared to today. I only said the “Extremely attractive” comment to support you/the actor playing you, to support you! I think the actress who wanted to fuck you is “Extremely attractive”, but no way would I let her fuck you!!

MJ: I promise I will never go anywhere near her if they pick her to play you.

Malia: I was so stunned that I couldn’t think straight when she was actually asking me about my life. All I heard on every question she asked me was- “Can I fuck your husband?”

Malia: Because I’m nice and forgiving I feel like maybe I overreacted, but I don’t think I did. Be honest with me even if you think it will piss me off. Do you think I am overreacting?

MJ: I don’t want to piss you off.

Malia: I want to hear the truth because I could just be being emotional about it. Please tell me the truth.

MJ: This is not a cop out. This is my real opinion of what went down.

MJ: I think she was drunk. She smelled like vodka. The first thing she said was she was nervous to meet us, so she had a few drinks. A few could have been a few, then a few more, etc. I asked Brittany what she thought about it. Brittany said she thought she was wasted. We are not defending her. We both love you. and I completely get the jealous territorial thing. I couldn’t even take that actor guy who will probably play me hugging you.

MJ: Brittany said she thought the actress today was more of a jealous worthy situation than the Ryan Gosling situation. She said XXXXXXX was all about me today, and that might have been because she thought I had final decision making power on the actors/actresses in the movie.

MJ: She did kiss me on the lips. I would have punched Gosling in the face if he kissed you. She kissed glasses guy on the lips too though.  

Malia: Martin Scorsese is glasses guy. Maybe that’s a Hollywood thing.

MJ: Hey, Brittany has been listening to the recording of it while we have been texting. She said she is changing her opinion to- “Yeah, she was way over the line.”

Malia: See! I knew it! I don’t know why this is tearing me up so much because I know you will stay away from her if she gets the part, but it just is.

MJ: I love you sweetheart. No one could ever replace you. No one can even play you exactly like how you are because there is only one you.

Malia: Do you still love me even though I’m a jealous psycho bitch?

MJ: I think I started the jealous thing with Ryan Gosling. Do you still love me?

Malia: Yes! I love you like any good loving protective psycho bitch wife would.

MJ: We are pulling in now and we’re going to have to power down devices. I love you no matter what always, and no matter what the problem/issue/ challenge or anything else, we can deal with it, overcome it, fix it, change it, etc. I love you to death Malia May Johnson!

Malia: Thank you for being supportive. I love you too, and yeah to all of that. We’re penguins! I’m fucking you extra a lot because I can, and because I hate that movie road whore even asked!

MJ Gets Jealous of The Actor Playing Him in The Adventures of “MJ The Terrible” Movie –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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