Personal Life

I Love The Way You Love Me Malia #luckiestmanonearth

Keep Calm and Make Love To Malia Picture

I Love The Way You Love Me Malia #luckiestmanonearth

MJ: Baby, I am a Penis American. 

Malia: Baby, I am a Vagina American. A Booby American? What’s up Penis American?

MJ: My penis.

Malia: You are a Penis American and your penis is up? Thank you for letting me know. I can tell you got my letter in your office. 

MJ: We as Penis and Vagina/Booby Americans, need to come together for the good of the country.

Malia: I have a favor to ask you. You read the letter, right? I want to make love to you the way that I want to make love to you. 

MJ:  Yes, I read the letter. You want to make love to me without me messing it up? 

Malia: Yeah.

Malia: Just kidding, but I want to make love to you the way I want too today. I want to drive. Cool?

MJ: Cool. Where do you want me?

Malia: Stay in your office, but I put a blow up bed in your office closet. Can you get it out, plug into the wall, and blow it up?

MJ: Sure. Are there any other instructions?

Malia: You are currently on a need to know basis.

MJ: I didn’t know they had Top Secret Sex Clearance information. 

Malia: Now you do. 

MJ: The bed is blown up. My lips are ready. My penis is ready. My everything is ready for anything. 

Malia: I really love and want to please you. I am doing this for you. I want you to feel the love I have for you through the pleasure I give you.

MJ: I am not joking when I say this. In all seriousness, you are so loving, and you give me so much pleasure, both in the making love way, and in the hot and sexy way. 

Malia: You are the most loving man/best daddy. Watching you with our kids over our 3 day/turned into a 4 day family staycation, got me thinking. It got me thinking that you deserve to receive the amount of love you are always so generously giving. 

MJ: I was just being me. I don’t know if I deserve all that but thank you. I love our family more than anything, and nothing makes me happier than loving on y’all/spending time with y’all.

Malia: I want to give myself to you in a way I never have before. Please let me do this. I want you to feel every sensation. I want you to feel every kiss, and every lick, and every touch. I want to take my time pleasuring you. 

MJ: I’m speechless. 

Malia: Good because no words are necessary. I know it will be just us in your office with no interruptions. I love you Michael David Johnson! I love you so much. I will be there in a minute. Just relax and let everything go. No stress. No worrying about anything. Be in the moment with me. I love you again, and I will be there. 

MJ: Baby, you are already so freakin good to me in all ways. I don’t know what you have planned, but I promise I am a very happy man.

Malia: Do you love me?

MJ: More than anything in the world. 

Malia: Then please let me love you the way I want to. Don’t get naked yet. I want to do it all, including undressing you. Ok?

MJ: Ok. I will be right here waiting for you. 

Much Needed 3 Day Johnson Family Staycation –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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