Personal Life

Dear “People who care about me the most” (2 of 2)

Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Wearing Dress Clothes Driving To The Office Picture

Dr Deb: MJ,

Mr. Fanning and I made a decision about your request we change our minds about letting you spend this weekend with your son.

We agree, as long as you agree to let Mrs. Johnson stay with you and CJ all weekend. We tried this once before in September of 2016, when we weren’t sure if you were physically healthy enough to take care of your son, and it worked nicely.

If you agree, we agree.

Dr. Deb Frincke and Mr. Fanning

MJ: Thank you. I really appreciate it. We will make it a nice family weekend. My mom has to take my Grandmother to a doctor’s appointment at 2:30, and I pick up my son at 3. Can my mom’s supervision start at like 6pm?

Dr. Deb: This is Dr. Deb. That’s fine. I am going to look into the provision in your release agreement relating to certain topics and actions in your life must be posted on public forum.

I have posted with you publicly 3 or 4 times I believe now, and it is awkward.

Talking about giving you permission to see your son on a public forum seems like it could be very embarrassing for you. MJ: Really???? It feels awkward for you after 3 or 4 times? I have had to do this since May 2016!!! Yes, it is very awkward and embarrassing!

Here is one example of how “awkward” it feels- In October, I’m getting a national service medal from the President, for “selfless acts of bravery and valor, in defense of the nation”, but I have to ask my babysitters basically, for permission to spend time with my own son, who I have spent endless time with alone, without their ever being an incident over the course of his 5 year old life! So yes, it sucks! I’m glad it took you 3 or 4 public posts for it to feel awkward.

Dr. Deb: Cool your jets MJ! I get it now, ok?

The difference between you and the average person, is you almost started World War 3 with your Stuxnet shenanigans, and you got a pass!

For that pass, we added safe guard provisions to your release, for your own personal safety, and to protect the safety and well-being of mankind.

I would apologize, but there is no need to.


MJ: Don’t worry about being nice or anything. It’s not like my wife and 2 unborn children died 4 fucking days ago or anything!!!

Dr. Deb: Michael, I am very sorry for your loss, but I am worried about you. Malia brought stability and structure to your life. Now that Malia is no longer with us, I’m not the only person who is worried about you.

I can’t imagine the hurt you must feel right now. I have only lost my golden retriever, and I couldn’t get out of bed for a week.

I am sure you will be ok as time goes on, but for the next 6 months, maybe more, we just want to make sure you are ok.

We care about you, and we are going to be here for you.

The special skill set you possess is remarkable. We have never seen anything like it. The dark side to your remarkable skill set, is that if used improperly, could inflict a massive amount of damage on a grand scale.

Do you see the tightrope we have to walk with you MJ? We care about you. However, if you became mentally unstable, I don’t want you taking out a power grid.

Words can’t express how heartbroken I am for you.

My sincerest condolences,

Dr. Deb Frincke

MJ: I get it. I am sorry if I am lashing out or being an asshole. I just miss her so much. Everything smells like her, or reminds me of her and I feel shellshocked. I always thought I would be the first one to go.

I know exactly what she would say to me if she could talk to me right now. She would say- MJ, look at me. Do you love me? I would of course say yes. Then she would say- If you love me, show me. Show me by being the best father you can be to Cash, Elizabeth, and CJ. Then I would probably say something like- Baby, I need you. I don’t know how to live without you. Then she would probably say- Well, I am pretty awesome, but yes you can! Then I would probably say- I am not sure I can. Then in classic Malia, I solve and fix everything style, she would get me to believe that I can do it. Then she would make me promise I would do it, and then usually she would reward me with sex.

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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