Personal Life

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 9

Malia May Johnson LBJ Ranch Close Up Profile Photo With 1960's Hairdo

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 9:

1. How old were you and MJ when you got married? Lilith Cohen Bronx, NY

Malia: When MJ and I got married, I was 26 and MJ was 36.

2. How old are you and MJ right now? Tammie Green Newport News, Virginia

Malia: I am 31 and MJ is 40.

3. What day, month, and year were you born and was MJ born? Rylie Cabrera Phoenix, Arizona

Malia: I was born 12-30-1989. MJ was born 10-4-1980.

4. What all places have you lived? What all places has MJ lived? Chance Benson Washington, District of Columbia

Malia: I have lived in Cape Town, South Africa. In America, I have lived in Boston, Massachusetts, Austin, Texas, and Bethesda, Maryland. MJ has lived in Akron, Ohio, Austin, Texas, and Bethesda, Maryland.

5. Does MJ have top secret clearance? What military bases has MJ worked at? Has he ever done any work at Area 51? Has MJ ever seen or told you about seeing aliens? Malcom Warner Seattle, WA

Malia: Yes, MJ does have top secret clearance. MJ has worked at a lot of military bases. He has worked at Area 51, which is a part of Edwards Air Force Base, in Nevada. MJ and I have joked about aliens and conspiracies, but he hasn’t told me if aliens really exist or not, or if he knows if aliens exist or not. I looked though my diary. Here are the main bases I know of that he has worked at:

I think he has spent the most time at Fort Meade, in Maryland. He has also worked at The Pentagon, in Virginia, Camp Peary, in Virginia, Camp Pendleton, in Virginia, Langley Airforce Base, in Virginia, Warrenton Training Center Army Base, in Virginia, Joint Base San Antonio/Lackland Air Force Base, in Texas (This is where MJ and I met.), Fort Gordon, in Georgia, Fort Huachuca, in Arizona, Schriever Air Force Base, in Colorado, Fort Hood, in Texas, Naval Base San Diego, in California, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, in Colorado, Raven Rock Mountain Complex, in Pennsylvania, Fort Jackson, in South Carolina, and Edwards Air Force Base, in Nevada. He has done a lot of work for the military and intelligence communities.

6. How does MJ make it up to you when you fight and it’s his fault? Miley Kemp Nags Head, NC

Malia: It varies, but usually flowers. He buys me King Protea flowers, which are the national flower of South Africa, mixed with other kinds of flowers that I love, like long stem roses of all colors, and Texas Bluebonnets.

7. Have you ever thought about trying to convince MJ to move your family to South Africa? Lesedi Onai Cape Town, South Africa

Malia: No. I love South Africa, but our lives here in the US. When our kids get old enough, I would like to go on a family vacation to Cape Town, South Africa, so that our kids will know where mommy was born and meet more of their family, etc., but only to visit, not to live. MJ has never been to South Africa either. He wants to go see “The Great Land That Produced His Soul Mate” as well.

8. What is your favorite kind of vacation? Do you like to visit historical places, or go skiing, or what? Angie Leblanc Paris, France

Malia: The beach. MJ and I both enjoy the ocean/beach/tropical island vacations. We enjoy historical vacations as well, but the beach is our #1 destination of choice. MJ knows how to ski and snowboard, but I have never done it. MJ said I would enjoy it, but we haven’t been on a ski vacation yet. When our kids our older, a ski vacation is definitely on our agenda.

9. How do you and MJ’s ex-wife, his practice wife as you call her get along? Jolene Fuller Silver Creek, CO

Malia: We don’t get along. From time to time, I will try to reach out to her to try to make peace, but for us to make peace, she is going to have to stop making false accusations, calling me the N word, stop threatening me and our family, stop calling MJ and I’s children awful racist names, and stop doing all of the other hateful and immature antics she does on what seems like a never ending cycle of hate. Being filled with all of that hate and rage must be a miserable way to live. You would think I would hate her after all she has put us through, but I don’t. I feel bad for her. I think one day she is going to realize how many problems she has created, and how much undue pain she has caused, and she will have to live with it. I can only hope she gets the help she needs. That is all I can do.

10. Were you ever in love with another man before you met MJ? Arielle Quintanilla, Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Malia: Puppy love. Not the real thing. MJ is the only man I have truly loved/love.

11. Do you think men are smarter than women, or women are smarter than men? Jake Murphy Palo Alto, CA

Malia: Uhm. That is kind of a loaded question. I think smart is a relative term. “Smart” can mean many things. Book smart, street smart, etc.

12. Have you ever been caught masturbating/touching yourself? Molly Underwood Cleveland, OH

Malia: Yeah. MJ has caught me before, and he joined in. He is the only one who has caught me masturbating.

13. Do you feel more South African or American? Sierra Rossi Lexington, KY

Malia: I feel more American at this point. I am an American citizen, and I love America. My husband is an American. Our kids are Americans. I loved my childhood. I have nothing but good memories of growing up in South Africa, but I am an American girl now.

14. Do you want your children to be more like you or more like MJ? Ann Vue St. Paul, MN

Malia: Hopefully, they will have the best of both of us. I hope our kids have MJ’s brain. I hope they are tough like MJ. I hope they have my family’s long life longevity. More than anything, I just hope our kids live happy, healthy, and productive lives.

15. What is something you hope doesn’t get passed down from you and MJ to your kids? Olivia Stewart, Lake Tahoe, NV

Malia: I hope MJ’s migraine headaches don’t get passed down. MJ’s mom Jeanne has bad migraines. MJ has them. I hope and pray our babies don’t get them. That’s all I can think of at the moment.

16. Are you and MJ for or against paddling your children? Kelsey Irwin Salt Lake City, UT

Malia: Against! MJ and I are both against paddling our children.

17. Do you think you or MJ will be more of the disciplinarian with your kids? Roberta Banks Beverly Hills, CA

Malia: When it comes to our girls, I think I will be. They have MJ so wrapped around their fingers already, and I don’t see that changing. With our boys, MJ.

18. What kind of desktop and laptop computers do you and MJ have? Alan Kline Palo Alto, CA

Malia: We are a pretty tech friendly household. I had to check with Brittany, head security for our family, who had to check with MJ’s liaison at the Department of Defense before I could answer this question. Here are the desktop and laptop and computers we have that I am allowed to disclose. I only have and use one computer. I have a MacBook Pro. MJ’s home office and our spare storage room are filled with desktops, laptops, adapters, motherboards, hard drives, graphics cards, and other computers, computer parts and components. I am only allowed to mention 5 of the computers MJ has. These are the 5 he has that I can mention: MacBook Pro, Eurocom Sky X4C, Alienware 17 R4, MSI GT83 TITAN-027, and Purism Librem 14. MJ mostly uses a MacBook Pro he customized himself. Apple is making an “MJ The Terrible” limited edition laptop to be sold when The Adventures of “MJ The Terrible” movie comes out, based on the customized laptop MJ made. People will be able to use the same type of computer “MJ The Terrible” uses.

19. What is the most you have ever weighed? Samantha Perkins Atlanta, GA

Malia: I think when I was pregnant with Cash and Liz, I got up to 160 pounds.

20. Do you believe social media should be able to be used against someone during divorce and custody matters? Did MJ’s practice wife try to use MJ’s social media against him? Trisha Elkins Portland, OR

Malia: I am not a divorce attorney. I guess it depends on what a person posts. If a parent is openly doing drugs, partying, etc., on social media, I think it will probably hurt their divorce/custody case. Freedom of speech protects an individual’s right to say what they want, but some things, although they may be protected by the 1st amendment, they may not be looked upon favorably by the courts/attorneys/ex-spouses/judges. Yes, MJ’s practice wife/his first wife, tried to use his social media against him/us during their divorce, but it backfired. The truth/honesty prevailed.

21. How much has MJ changed since becoming wealthy? Lucy Morgan New York, NY

Malia: None. He hasn’t changed at all. MJ’s focus has never been making money. He has made a lot of money because of his cyber skills, but he hasn’t changed much at all.

22. Do you think we should have Purges in this country like what they do in the Purge movies? Hector Ruiz Los Angeles, CA

Malia: No. I have seen the Purge movies. They are fun to watch, but I think Purges/Purging should stay in the movies.

23. If you could kill someone and you were guaranteed to get away with it, would you do it? Who would it be? Vanessa Sandoval Santa Rosa, CA

Malia: I wouldn’t do it. There are people we know who spend their entire lives trying to ruin ours, but I don’t want to kill them. Suing them is good enough for me. I always end up feeling bad for them in the end, because how bad does a person’s life have to be to spend all their time trying to ruin someone else’s life?

24. How many kids do you and MJ plan on having? Denise Howard Charleston, SC

Malia: I don’t know. Part of me wants to stop after giving birth to the little macho man in my belly right now. Part of me wants to have at least one more. I don’t know. I am 31. We could take a baby break and still have more kids if we chose to. MJ is okay either way. He is such a good father. I don’t know what we will do. I guess only the future will tell.

25. Are you pregnant with twins again? Do you have a name/names picked out yet? Shelby Goodwin Memphis, TN

Malia: Not twins this time. There is only one bun in my oven this time. It’s a boy. We have it narrowed down to 2 names. It will either be Alexander or Christopher. Both names offer flexibility. With the name Alexander, he can go by Alex if he wants, or by AJ. With the name Christopher, he can go by Chris if he wants, or by CJ. MJ’s friend since college and body double is Christopher Hubbard. He goes by Chris. MJ loves Chris like a brother, and I think that is why MJ is leaning towards the name Christopher. We will probably end up naming him Christopher Alexander Johnson unless something changes in the next 3 months.

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 8 –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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