Personal Life

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 11

Red and Blue Stylized Stencil Portrait Photo of Malia Johnson

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 11:

1. Congratulations on getting pregnant! I love the name Isabella. Do you have a boy name picked out if it is a boy? Jennifer Clark Tampa, FL

Malia: Thanks! If it is a boy, we have talked about the names Henry or Lucas, but we don’t have a possible boy name set in stone yet.

2. What is your worst habit? Karen Lewis Aurora, CO

Malia:  I don’t know what my worst habit at the moment is, but the worst habit I have ever had was smoking. I smoked in med school.

Malia Johnson Smoking Photo
Malia May Johnson Smoking Photo

3. Were your parents strict growing up? Lauren Powell Norfolk, VA

Malia: No. I was spoiled brat. I was overall a good girl though. My parents didn’t have to crack the whip too hard.

4. Do you shy away from talking about race and racism with MJ because you are black and he is white? Tamika Washington, Washington, D.C.

Malia: Never. MJ grew up in a highly diverse city, he had black friends, like Lebron James, and MJ’s mom Jeanne was/is a big supporter of civil rights. Jeanne’s best friend Sheila is black. I do not shy away from talking about race with him.

Jeanne Johnson Sheila Thomas & Daughter Photo
Jeanne Johnson Sheila Thomas and Daughter Photo

5. Do you and MJ go #2 in front of each other? Chloe Griffin Miami, FL

Malia: MJ does. I have pooped in front of him but rarely. I like to be private with that but sometimes poop happens.

6. What is you and MJ’s favorite scene to roleplay in the bedroom? Nicole Rowe North Las Vegas, NV

Malia: The Secretary movie. I have never been more turned on and MJ turned on in our lives. It really turns me on when he is turned on, and the first time we role played The Secretary movie, WOW! Just WOW!

7. Cookies or cake? Betty Moore Little Rock, AR

Malia: Definitely cake.

8. What is you and MJ’s song? Amy Jackson Knoxville, TN

Malia: I would say Richard Marx songs in general. He sang at our wedding. He is friends with my parents. MJ and I’s first songs that we danced to as a married couple at our wedding were “Right Here Waiting for You” and “Endless Summer Nights”

Richard Marx –

9. Have you ever been afraid to leave MJ alone with your children? Marilyn Sanchez Mesa, AZ

Malia: Never! MJ is an amazing dad!

10. Do you like to sing in the shower? Anna Kim San Francisco, CA

Malia: Sometimes, but mostly I sing to our kids when they are getting baths.

11. I have been reading the blog post stories about you and MJ’s dating experiences before you got married. I noticed some of the dating posts reference MJ’s Court Appointed Supervisor being with you guys and sometimes not. Was she with you sometimes and other times she wasn’t? Can you explain that? Thanks. Judith Nelson New York, NY

Malia: Sure. When MJ and I first started dating, his Court Appointed Supervisor Brittany always had to be with him/us. We had to get used to it, because it was the only way we could go on dates. When the technology to “chip monitor” came out and MJ was chipped, he had more privacy, but Brittany and other security always close by. But since the summer of 2016, when MJ became a fulltime contractor for the government, we have had a fulltime security detail.

12. Do you like kissing during sex? Sarah Cohen Chicago, IL

Malia: Yes! Definitely!

13. Have you ever cooked naked for/with MJ? Sandy Chen Seattle, WA

Malia: At our condo when we lived in Austin, before we had kids, I did. We were naked a lot of weekends. It was a lot of fun. It was a lot of sex. I loved it. We loved it. As MJ would say- “Good times.”

14. Have you and MJ ever read a book together? What book? Jean Navarro Pasadena, CA

Malia: No. I did read books to MJ when he was in the hospital though. I read everything from the Bible to People magazines to him.

15. Did MJ make big promises while you were dating that you knew he couldn’t keep? Camila Espinosa Santa Ana, CA

Malia: No. The opposite actually. He was gloom and doom a lot because his/our future was so uncertain at times. When things started dying down a bit, he was promising to marry me and love me for the rest of his life. He kept that promise. 🙂

16. Does MJ have any friends you are afraid of? Diana Hurd Columbus, OH

Malia: I was afraid to meet one of his friends he knew from Ohio while we were dating who was like a mob boss or the head of cartel or something like that. When MJ took me to meet him, I was scared to death. He was nice though. MJ’s life is fascinating. I will say that.

17. Did past disappointments dating black men cause you to want to date outside your race? I am considering dating a white guy, but I am nervous about it. I like him but I don’t know if he likes me back. Any tips for a fellow sista looking for white boy love? Ebony Williams Detroit, MI

Malia: I only dated white guys for some reason. Maybe it was because I went to majority white schools. My parents’ relationship is also interracial. I think we are all just people. If you like a guy, white or any other color, I say go for it! The worst thing that can happen is he says no. But what if he says yes and you guys hit it off? If other people don’t like it that you are dating outside of your race, who cares.  It is not your job to make them happy. I think you should gather up your courage and ask him out. You never know. He might like you back. Good luck Ebony!

18. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Does MJ? Arya Bhatt Delhi, India

Malia: No on both.

19. If you had to pick one of these sex professions, which would you pick, porn star or prostitute? Harper Kline Boston, MA

Malia: Neither, but if I had to, I guess porn star. It would be safer/cleaner.

20. Have you ever masturbated in public? Natasha Kozlov New York, NY

Malia: I did in MJ’s black Cadillac car a couple times. The same car that we got stuck in on the beach in Port Aransas Texas when we were dating.

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Cadillac Car Stuck on the beach Port Aransas Texas Photo
Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Cadillac Car Stuck on the beach Port Aransas, Texas Photo

21. Which one of your kids is the most like MJ. Which one is the most like you? Kai De Beer Cape Town, South Africa

Malia: Liz thinks the most like MJ. Christopher looks just like MJ when he was a baby. MJ’s mom calls Christopher “Chubbs” just like she called MJ when he was a baby. Chubbs for chubby cheeks. Victoria and Caroline are probably the most like me. MJ actually has nicknames for all of our kids.

22. What are MJ’s nicknames for your kids? Charlize Ackerman Cape Town, South Africa

Malia: MJ’s nicknames for our kids list-

Elizabeth Grace Johnson (Liz)

Cash Michael Johnson (Big Guy)

Natalie Marie Johnson (Jelly Bean)

Michael Christian Johnson (Pumpkin)

Victoria Olivia Johnson (Sunshine)

Caroline Grace Johnson (Sweet Caroline)

Christopher Alexander Johnson (Chubbs)

23. What are your thoughts on toxic masculinity? Christina Park Newport News, VA

Malia: I think men should be men/manly, but men who are misogynist/women haters are toxic. I am pro men and anti-toxic men.

Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 10 –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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