Personal Life

And Then Vice President Kamala Harris Shows Up To Your Christmas Party

Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson and Vice President Kamala Harris Black and White Christmas Picture

We had 35 family members and friends staying with us over the Christmas holiday in our house, guest house, and the house we own next door to our house. It was so much fun!

I planned for one night to be a more formal “Winter Wonderland” night, where everyone would dress up and look nice for one night. We didn’t require everyone to dress up or anything. It was optional, but everyone dressed up. It was nice.

I told everyone the Vice President, Kamala Harris, and her husband would be stopping by the party tonight. They were all excited about that. I was to. I really like her.

The Secret Service arrived at our house 30 minutesish before the Vice President did. When Kamala arrived, she walked in and said, “Merry Christmas everyone.” Everyone said Merry Christmas back, and then the first funny moment of the night happened. Kevin, MJ’s friend, and a member of MJ’s cyber team, said- “Where’s Emhoff?” It came our sounding somewhat threatening almost, but Kevin just talks Italian gangsterish. MJ busts out laughing. In Kevin speak, what he meant was- I would like to meet your husband. Is he here with you? Doug walked in maybe a minute later. 

After Kevin said that, and before Doug walked in, Kamala said- “Can I use your restroom?” Our daughter Liz ran up to her, took her hand, and said- “Come with me. I’ll show you where the potty is.” 

Kamala talked with everyone a little bit. She is a social pro of course, being the Vice President. You don’t get to that level without knowing how to be sociable. I was only really worried about one of our relatives challenging her politically. He is a passionate, opinionated, conservative, and he enjoys political debate. He ended up making one political comment, and Kamala said- “You may not have voted for me, but I still work hard for you.” That was it for politics for the night. We did have a great talk about race. It was the kind of talk that made everyone feel like their voice was heard and brought everyone together. I loved what MJ said about race, and the Black Lives Matter movement when Kamala asked him what his thoughts were. MJ said- “If black people didn’t exist I can all but guarantee I wouldn’t be alive right now. I never would have made it out of the hospital. Malia is responsible for nursing me back to good health. I wouldn’t be married to the love of my life. I wouldn’t have my kids who I love more than anything. Black lives mean the world to me. The world takes all kinds to work. That’s what I think anyway.” 

Side note- In honor of our it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white conversation, I made the attached MJ and Vice President Harris picture black and white.

At the dining room table Kamala sat down next to MJ, and MJ said- “You can’t sit there. Madam Vice President, I respect you and your office to no end, but you can’t sit there. Where is Malia going to sit? Please sit anywhere you want. Make yourself completely at home, but I have to sit by Malia.” Kamala said- “I understand. It is really cute how you need to sit by her. I will move over a seat.”

I sat down next to MJ right after that. I told Kamala MJ needs to be near me because he loves me, but also because I carry all of his supplies, like Kleenex, cough drops, hand wipes, hand sanitizer, toothpicks, Q-tips, and things like that around with me pretty much all the time.

MJ is partially def in one ear, so he talks loud sometimes without realizing it. During dinner he whisper asked me if he thought VP Harris and her hubby have had quickies and stuff like that in the White House. I could tell that MJ didn’t realize how loud he said it, but I could tell it was loud enough for Kamala to hear it. I looked at Kamala sitting right next to me, and I could tell she heard it, because we both looked at each other and smiled. She closed her eyes in a bashful way and shook her head yes. I leaned over and whispered to MJ that I think they probably have, but let’s not talk about that right now.

Kamala wanted to meet Jeanne, MJ’s mom, and hear the story about Dwayne Johnson (“The Rock”), Matthew McConaughey, and MJ hanging out at MJ’s mom’s house. She said Dwayne Johnson told her about MJ’s mom hitting him with her kitchen calendar and telling him- “You aren’t too big to whoop”, if he didn’t get out of the kitchen while she was cooking. Kamala and Jeanne got along great. 

The highlight of the evening was also the scariest moment of the evening. Our kids wanted to show “Wice (Vice) Pwesident (President) Lady” their play room. Liz and Cash grabbed her hands and took her to their playroom. 

Side note- We have a rule with our kids when playing with others called “The Speed Rule”. The Speed Rule covers how the kids play with others. If the kids are smaller/younger than they are, we say “half speed”, so the kids know they can play but they need to be more careful. Full speed means it is okay to play how they would normally play.

Kamala and the kids were playing in the kids’ playroom, while Doug, MJ and I were standing by the entry way to the playroom. I told the kids to play at half speed because I didn’t want the Vice President of the United States to get hurt. She said- “Full Speed is ok mommy. I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” I said ok, and they played. After about 10 minutes I hear our 4 year old son yell- “Elbow gwop (Elbow drop)!”, and then proceeded to elbow drop the Vice President of the United States.

For a second, I thought for sure after the Vice President left the party, the headline on the news was going to read- “MJ The Terrible’s Son Elbow Drops Vice President Kamala Harris”, but what I thought for a second was eminent bad news, turned into Vice President Kamala Harris showing that she is a human being who loves kids and is a good and caring friend. MJ and I both said- “Are you okay?” She said- “Yes. I am loving this. You have the cutest kids. When my stepson Cole was a teenager, he used to elbow drop me all the time.” The Secret Service guys didn’t move. One of them said- “I don’t think your 4 year old son is a threat. That was nice elbow drop for a 4 year old though.” MJ smiled. 

Our son Cash fell asleep on Kamala later that night. It was so cute. She said when she was leaving, she wanted to take Cash with her. 

When we were saying our good bye’s, Kamala walked up to MJ and whispered in his ear- “Doug and I are on the way to go have a quickie at the White House.” Then the Secret Service agent closed the door behind her. She told me she was going to do it. I told her it would be funny if she did it. I’m glad she did. MJ put his head down and said- “Vice President Harris is a pretty cool chick. I mean, Vice President Maam, Madame, you know what I mean.”

Thank you for coming to our Christmas Party Vice President Harris, and Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff. As MJ said about you before we went to bed that night- “They’re good people.” I wholeheartedly agree!

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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