Wisdom Quotes Videos:
“You can pour a bottle of syrup on shit, but it will never be pancakes. It’s still shit.” President Donald Trump
“Disagreeing with facts doesn’t make you right.” Former President Barack Obama
“The application of knowledge is power.” Former President George W. Bush
“People are people. We are fallible. Just remember, you are one of them and so am I.” Warren Buffett
“Expecting others to do for you is expecting to fail. Counting on others to do for you is counting on failing. Believing in and doing for self, is almost always your best bet.” Vice President Kamala Harris
“Change is inevitable. It is pointless to fight change. If you are open to change. If you can adapt to change. You will benefit from change.” Elon Musk
“Ists and isms divide us. I do everything I can to tear down barriers. United we stand. Divided we fall. It is that simple.” Elon Musk
“Tradition has the answers. Tradition isn’t perfect, but tradition has the answers.” Gene Rockefeller
“Men lie. Women lie. Facts don’t lie.” Matthew McConaughey
“Don’t live in fear. Go live your life.” Matthew McConaughey
“The biggest adventure a person can ever take is to try to live the life of their dreams.” Oprah Winfrey
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change their future by merely changing their mind.” Oprah Winfrey
“I consider myself lucky, not because my life is perfect, but because I have enough food to eat, a roof over my head, and people who care about me.” Kanye West
“There is wisdom in old. Listen to the old and not yet senile. We might just teach you a few things.” Reverend Jesse Jackson
“Focus on the now, since you can’t do anything about the past and the future.” Jeff Dachis
“We may not always agree with every one of our neighbors. That’s life. And it’s part of living in such a diverse and dense city. But we also recognize that part of being a New Yorker is living with your neighbors in mutual respect and tolerance. It was exactly that spirit of openness and acceptance that was attacked on 9/11.” Michael Bloomberg
“Whenever you are given two options, choose the third.” Michael Bloomberg
“Sometimes in life you just have to deal with things that are unfair, knowing that on the other side of it a whole lot of good is coming your way.” Donald Trump Jr.
“Fear is a result of not knowing. To remove fear, remove the unknown by obtaining knowledge.” Mark Zuckerberg
“Everything starts with the basics. After you mastered the basics, you can go just about anywhere from there.” Lebron James
“Behind every question, lies an answer, and behind every answer, lies the truth.” Ben Dupont
“The older I get; the higher peace of mind goes up on my priority list.” Ben Dupont
“When all else fails, be as transparent as possible. Transparency builds trust.” Ben Dupont
“If you can see where the other side is coming from you can use that perspective to help steer the situation in a more positive way.” Ben Dupont
“Facts denied are still facts.” Candace Owens
“So mote it be” (So may it be) – Shirley C. Johnson
“Men…..Women are like cars. If you take good care of them, they will be reliable, help you get where you want to be, create memories with you, and make you feel as comfortable as can be.” Malia May Johnson
“How to keep a good man happy….Keep his brain focused, his heart racing, his belly full, his balls drained, believe in him, and be there for him.” Malia May Johnson
“If the system is broken you have two choices. You can either choose to accept it, or you can choose to break free from it and do your own thing.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
“Enjoy the good times. Push through the bad/hard times. Take the memories with you from the good times, and take the lessons with you from the bad/hard times.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
How To Live Your Best Life by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – https://www.therealmjtheterrible.com/how-to-live-your-best-life-by-michael-mj-the-terrible-johnson/