Personal Life

What’s Really Inside My Brain Post by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Clothes and Bra On Head Sitting on Toilet Photo

I was challenged to write a “What’s really inside my brain post” by Tarica Patel, aka BABB (Bad Ass Bangalore Bitch) – (A contractor, an employee, a business partner, my “work wife”, a friend, and she is engaged to one of my closest friends).

She challenged me to write this what’s in my brain post, because as she said- “MJ, you are lunatic Lex Luther wanna be madman, that is harder than impossible to work with.” Now, just so y’all have some background on this evil, mean, difficult, pushy, controlling, manipulative, unpredictable, demanding, amazing, talented, dedicated, to good to be true virtual assistant, that I couldn’t live without, challenged me to write down exactly what I was thinking for a 10 minute period, with no hedges, forget grammar, and don’t hold anything back, and I have to write the post when I’m in one of my “Multiple personality evil hacker genius type of moods” . Well, that’s right now. So Badass Bangalore Bitch, be careful what you ask for………… I need to finish writing a press releasefor the real name of the site), find a way to contact and collect a pair of clod hop shoes from a stripper that I don’t know anymore, that may not have them anyway, for a tv show that may never happen. I need to somehow pull off a miracle, which involves convincing one of the greatest direct marketers of all time, to lend his trade mark, household name, no money down real estate investment course licensing rights, to a no name lazy pot head, that is likely to become the next Don Lapre, but will inevitably blow it all on a bunch of prostitutes, mind altering drugs, and fancy foreign sports cars. I hope when I get in the shower in a minute, that good smelling, reminds me of the beach soap isn’t all gone. I love my son and I miss spending time with him.

Am I a good Dad because I never stop working to better his life, or am I a bad Dad for not saying to hell with it all, and spending every moment he’s not asleep with him? I’m so sick of seeing the same formatted shows all the time, with basically different people and different names, but are doing the same show again and again every year. Hey folks, this fall we’re going to be releasing a new comedy called, I hope you don’t remember that we tried to shove this shit down your throat last year, but this year it will be better, because we hired different actors to act out virtually the same show as last year. No, trust us, this year it won’t end in the same forgettable, it should be illegal to call it a cliff hanger, try to get ratings so we can make advertising dollars shit show this time? Damn it this organic Cheetos cheese is getting everywhere. How can Cheetos even be organic? Hey everybody, I’m going outside to pick some Cheetos for dinner. Why am I complaining? I love these things. It says organic on the bag. Part of it is probably organic. I wonder what percentage of this manufactured crunchy cheese ordeal is organic? I’d google it but I’m writing a 5 minute brain download for India’s future Hillary Clinton. Good lord! If BABB became President of India, she’d probably go all Saddam on the country and start building statues of herself. Is there any chance she won’t read this Facebook post? No way! I know her. She outta go by CIA Central India Agency, because she is probably logged in remotely to my computer right now. I hear crickets. I think if I was kidnapped and blindfolded, I would know when it was day and night, because birds chirp during the day and crickets make this noise at night. My friends count is up on Facebook. that’s good. The world is a better place when people are connect. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Do I have any enemies on my friends list? I hope not. How many enemies do I have? If you take out the whole “MJ The Terrible” time period, probably not many. I hope that weird house sound I just heard wasn’t something expensive to get fixed. What’s expensive anymore? Remember Dan my old boss and a mentor of mine used to say- “There are two ways to have more money. You can either cutback or you can make more, and I like the second option a whole lot better.” Shit! When is the 10 minutes going to be up? I get it, I somehow get off on creating, building, trying, growing, testing, trying, feeling, breathing, seeing , being, reading, writing, working, talking and whatever, every minute my eyes are open and my meds kicks in. Suck it Bab! Oh wait you can’t. You are on the other side of the friggin world! It’s the end of the time as we know I’m about to shower. Bab, you are every bit a Badass Bangalore Bitch and I love you dot not feathers, holy shit that’s racist, but I only mean to be insulting to Bab, but not really, holy shit should I really post this, I have to because I said I would, I love black people! Do you love black people? I love black people! Are people going to know that was a Jerry Maguire movie reference? Who knows? I love India. I love all people of all colors who add more than they take to the world, and I love BAB! Not like that. Like I love you bro when you’re drunk. 10 seconds! YOLO! My legs asleep ouch time!

“MJ The Terrible” Set The World On Fire Facebook Page Promotional Video –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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