My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 248 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:
“In 2025, the biggest form of rebellion is having traditional values, and living a traditional life.” Vivek Ramaswamy
“Tradition is the newest oldest form of rebellion.” Vivek Ramaswamy
“I always thought they could have come up with a better name for our brand of music. “Grunge” sounds like a disease, not a genre of music.” Eddie Vedder
“Music is I guess you could say it is sound art. I don’t know man. Music and life are man. You know it MJ The Terrible.” Eddie Vedder
“Writing songs is not easy. Writing songs requires inspiration. Inspirational moments are rare. Writing hit songs is very not easy. Touch you to your soul inspiration is required. But when it all clicks and comes together, the music, the sounds, the words, can change the world. I’ve seen it. I’ve done it.” Eddie Vedder
“You almost died listening to Alive. You could have been dead while Alive was playing. Life man. Death man. You just never know.” Eddie Vedder
“Fun is fun. If fun isn’t fun, it’s not fun. I’m a feel deep, but so are you. It’s why the dumb shit I just said makes sense.” Eddie Vedder
“If nothing changes, nothing changes. You need to change something.” Kanye West
“What you don’t change, you choose.” Kanye West
“When you are hired to do a job, to keep the job, you have to do the job, even when you don’t feel like doing the job, or don’t want to do the job.” Marcus Jennings
“Haters would rather criminalize your freedom and free speech than enjoy freedom and free speech themselves. They want to see you miserable like they are.” Chris Hubbard
“And the haters say- “I have to be a hater, because all I love complaining, whining, and being jealous, all while doing nothing to improve my life.” Chris Hubbard
“Smiling is offensive to bitter mitches and bitches. It’s truly fuckin sad.” Chris Hubbard
“Be the type of man you would want your daughter to grow up to marry and the type of man you want your son to become.” Chris Gardner
“All paths to truth and authenticity are unique and different.” Brian Heberlig
“Angry, bitter and hurt haters, hate seeing you happy. Seeing you be happy makes them miserable! In my opinion, it is better to keep your happiness to yourself, so you don’t have to deal with the seethers.” Big J. Kosta
“This should be interesting. An influencer under the influence of alcohol, is attempting to be influential.” Andrew Demers
“The divine unfolds in time.” Pastor Miguel Flores
“Right now, I don’t give a shitmo about Gitmo! I am110% focused on Lovemo!” Malia May Johnson
“There is no I in marriage. There is, but there isn’t. If you know, you know. You know, right?” Malia May Johnson
“Ew. Ew. Me you. All of my dreams coming true.” Malia May Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 247 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson –