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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Compilation 2 of 5 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Compilation 2 of 5 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“The past is the past. It’s in the rear view mirror. If you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you will miss the opportunities that life has for you on the road ahead.” Ben Dupont (Friend and family member)

“I think life is hard enough by itself, without the people who are focused on making the lives of others more difficult. That said- Long live the dreamers who build things and do things!”  Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Regarding Marriage- Have it all under one roof. Cheating will crush not only your family, but it can poison everything else in your life as well.” Eric Fanning 

“How do you know that you have a badass team? When your weakest link is strong as hell.” Tarica Patel Hubbard

“Yeah, girls have cooties until boys realize that girls have coochies.” Malia May Johnson 

“We are having a baby whether you like it or not! Now take your clothes off. You are going to fuck me until I pee on a pregnancy test stick and it turns blue!” Malia May Johnson 

“Every minute you spend thinking about what you should have done, takes away from what you should be doing. Do what you have to do, to make things happen. Focus forward!” Gene Rockefeller 

“We all sin. Some reduce their sin by actions they take. Some erase their sin through actions they take. Then you have the 1%ers. The 1%ers are the few who everyone looks to as the good they see in the world. The 1%ers are the only ones truly worthy of entering the pearly gates, but because God is a forgiving God, all of the rest of us unworthy slackers get let in too.” Amanda Margolis 

“I don’t just flirt with success. I bang the shit out of her!” Marcus Jennings 

“I’m here to do shit. I’m going to do great shit. The shit I do is going to be so good, that people are going to remember that shit.” Marcus Jennings 

“Before you can be an influencer, you have to be an outfluencer. Don’t be afraid to start where you are. Everyone had to start somewhere in order to get where they are now.” Gene Rockefeller 

“Sometimes you’ve gotta fall before you can fly. It’s just the way it is.” Chris Hubbard 

“Before you achieve something, you have to believe you can achieve it.” Kevin M. 

“With the right motivation, ordinary people can do extraordinary things.” Dr. Frincke 

“Never stand in the way of somebody that is trying to do a good thing.” Eric Fanning 

“In life you’re either in the flow, or not in the flow, and when you’re not in the flow, you just have to jump back in there and figure it out until you are back in the flow again.” Big J. Kosta 

“Do what you have to do, until you get to do what you want to do.” Pete Dowdle 

“You are only limited by your imagination and commitment.” J.J. Mendelhaussen

“Always believe you are the most powerful person in your life, because you are the most powerful person in your life.” Former President Donald Trump

“Since coming to this country, I am constantly looking for people to know, while trying to find out who is just a no.” Tarica Patel Hubbard

“I live my life in the way that means I am going to have awesome stories to tell my grand kids.” Big J. Kosta 

“May your dreams be big, your worries be small, and your life filled with positive memories.” Kevin M. 

“The power of the world lies between a woman’s legs. Don’t discount our value.” Malia May Johnson 

“Love and trust are two different things. Love is given. Trust is earned.” Eric Fanning 

“Good relationships aren’t built in a day. They are built daily.” Malia May Johnson

“It’s okay to be a beginner. So many people are afraid to start something because they are afraid to be a beginner. Everyone starts out a beginner. Allow yourself to be a beginner and begin.” Marcus Jennings 

“A lot of times in life, the answer just is it is what it is. From there, what you make of it, determines if you are going to turn lemons into lemonade, or take a swim in the Whoa Is Me River.” Dr. Deb Frincke 

“Blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit, or crush them with kindness. It all depends on the situation.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“If you can’t beat’em, and you just can’t stand the thought of joining’em, call in reinforcements!” Eric Fanning 

“Love is the most powerful force in the in the universe.” Jeanne P. Johnson

“Tough situations build tougher people.” Brittany White 

“When you find your “why”, you will see in yourself a power that you never knew you had.” Ben Dupont 

“Don’t call it failure. Failure is final. Call it unfinished success.” Marcus Jennings 

“Scars show your will to survive and make it.” Chris Hubbard 

“Don’t let what other people think about you, define you. You define you. Period!” Marcus Jennings

“If I play, I play to win. If I don’t win the first time, then you can bet your ass I’m winning the next time around.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch  

“First the question is what. Then the question is why. Then the question is how.” Gene Rockefeller 

“People think I’m crazy because I take risks. I don’t take risks because I’m crazy. I take risks because there is no reward without taking a risk. Life is a risk. Those people who never take a risk regret it later in life. Later in my life I will have stories to tell my grandkids. They won’t.” Jeff Hardy 

“Forget revenge. That is karmas job. I am focused on getting shit done and building my future.” Malia May Johnson 

“Ga My (Mike), I tolling you not to marry her. What’s wrong with you? I say she crazy. Everybody say she crazy. You see. I told you she make the problem. You got wife #1 wrong. You got wife #2 right. Malia is a perfect fit for you. She good. I not mad you don’t listening to me the first time because you doing good the second time. I always love you no matter what. Malia take good care of you. You see, she making you smy (smile). You can kick he butt Malia if you need too. He good boy though. Now both you give mom a hug.” Chin Soum

“I wasn’t a very good cook, until I realized that butter, sugar, or salt, make just about everything taste better.” Malia May Johnson 

“I always look for the people who are more on the self “less” side of things, than on the self “ish” side of things.” Malia May Johnson 

“When haters knock you down, get back up and say- “You hit like a bitch!” Then do what you gotta do.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Behind every question, lies an answer, and behind every answer, lies the truth.” Ben Dupont 

“Our veterans are great. This day is to celebrate you. So, let’s all pray, for the red, white and blue.” David C. Johnson 

“The good life, in 10 words or less- Action, adventure, romance, knowledge, food, fitness, friends, and family.” Big J. Kosta 

“The one place you will never find success, is inside of your comfort zone.” Marcus Jennings 

“Good looks mean nothing without brains and a good attitude.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch  

“Do everything that you can do. That is what you do. That is what you always do!” Eric Fanning 

“Expect bullshit from the haters, but never accept it.” Marcus Jennings 

“No one has all of the answers. Some people are good at sports. Some people are good with people, some people are naturally intelligent, but no one has all of the answers. That said, we all can look for the answers in our lives. That’s an ability we all have.” Dr. Deb Frincke 

“I am a woman. I am often overlooked, until you need sex, clean clothes, food, friendship, fun, support and more. I am a woman. I am seen as weaker, emotionally delicate, and needy. Men, in case you didn’t notice, we control everything from breakfast to the bedroom, to birth. Cross us, and we will make your life hell on earth. Love us, and you will know happiness like most men only dream of.” Tarica Patel Hubbard

“Don’t quit! Adjust, adapt, and overcome!” Eric Fanning

“Haters, I am warning you. Stay out of my way! Now, if you decide to stay in my way, and you get run the hell over, you can’t say I didn’t warn you!” Marcus Jennings 

“I believe in being an American. Not an American’t, or an Americon.” Eric Fanning

“I know that things will always be okay, because I am one of those people that will either find a way or make a way.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Seek foolish destiny. People will talk, but they are going to talk anyway. I choose to be me and live my life. If some people don’t like that, then those people will not be in my life.” Malia May Johnson

“Positive thoughts lead to a positive attitude, positive words, and positive actions.” Tarica Patel Hubbard

“I am against most of the ism’s. Racism, sexism, and the other bad ism’s. I am for optimism and positivism though. That’s my stance on ism’s.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“With the right mindset, you never have to lose. You can either win or learn.” Saggie Maggie 

“The future belongs to those who embrace it.” Dr. Deb Frincke 

“Be remembered for something. Be remembered for being a good dad or mom. Be remembered for being a good friend. Be remembered for your accomplishments. Be remembered for your contributions to society. Be remembered for your ____________.” Malia May Johnson 

“Having the right mindset is vital to becoming successful. Success is a mentality, before it is a reality.” Gene Rockefeller 

“Don’t take yourself out of the game. If you quit, you are sealing your own fate. If you keep trying, you’ve always got a shot.” Eric Fanning

“The formula for building trust- Truth and loyalty over a long enough period of time.” Marcus Jennings

“Look forward, not backwards. Looking back at your past experiences can help you, but make sure you stay focused on your future.” Tarica Patel Hubbard

“Do what works. Struggling when you don’t have to is stupid. If Michael Jordan tried to teach you how to play basketball, would you tell him- “No, I am going to do it my way. I created my own way to play ball.” Do what works. If you are getting rich on something, who cares whose ideas it was.” Derron Cook

“Duplicate, don’t Innovate. Do what works! You don’t have to re-create the wheel. I appreciate the fact that you might want to create your own system, but you shouldn’t! Not until you have mastered a proven strategy. If you want to get creative after you have mastered what will feed you, then get creative.” Derron Cook

“You are not the mistakes of your past. You are a future of virtually endless possibilities, because of the accumulated life lessons and experiences you’ve had.” Marcus Jennings

“They say you can’t have it all, but then again, they say a lot of things that are complete bull shit. What do they know anyway?” Marcus Jennings

“Remember the time when we couldn’t remember that one time? Man, we had a great time!” Chris Hubbard

“Tis the tits. It means something. It’s a quote. Apply your own meaning to it.” Brittany White

“There’s a risk in getting to know people. There’s an even bigger risk in not getting to know people.” Ben Dupont 

“They say you learn more from losing than from winning. What I learned from losing, was that I hate it. Now I refuse to lose. Lesson learned!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“You will never climb above your lot in life, unless you start trying to climb out of it.” Gene Rockefeller 

“In business if your idea doesn’t work, you’re seen as crazy. If your idea does work, you’re seen as a genius. Go figure.” Kevin M. 

“It is possible to be ignorant, and still become successful, but the odds favor the open minded knowledge seekers. Never stop learning, because the more you know, the farther you will go.” Gene Rockefeller 

“Whoever said you can’t have your cake and eat it to, didn’t have a big enough imagination.” Marcus Jennings 

“Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.” Malia May Johnson 

“It’s ok, you can keep being an asshole. I always leave bitch mode on in public just in case I run into someone like you.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Our imagination is there to be used. In our imagination, we can be and do anything. What is in our imagination, is the key to our happiness.” Gene Rockefeller 

“Don’t be that person that make excuses, and don’t be afraid to try, because as it turns out, some of the people that would go on to improve and change the world the most, failed time and time again, until they finally got it right!” Kevin M. 

“Men…..Sometimes us girls just need to hear how much we mean to you. If you love us, tell us, and show us, and we will be there for you, and love you, more than you can imagine.” Malia May Johnson

“A great future doesn’t require having a great past. I am proof of that.” Marcus Jennings

“Failure, also known as not succeeding yet, is temporary, if you don’t let it be final.” Eric Fanning

“To much of a good thing, is never a good thing.” Gene Rockefeller

“Entrepreneurs, you don’t need to imagine 1000 great ideas. You just need one. You only have to be right/hit the ball once, to have a home run!” J.J. Mendelhaussen 

“We all experience ups and downs, but life is what you make of it, so make it great!” Kevin M.

“If you have to go where there is no path, make your own trail. Blaze the new trail so hard you leave a path behind you.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“If people underestimate you, it makes you stronger. It gives you an advantage.” Marcus Jennings

“A person is limited only by their imagination, so dream it, do it, build it, be it, and YOLO!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“How to move up the corporate ladder, boiled down into one sentence- When you take care of business, the business will take care of you.” Derron Cook

“Making money is not the root of all evil. Experiencing the best that life has to offer, is not the root of all evil. The love of money, and putting money first, above your friends and family, that is evil!” Ben Dupont

“There are scary people out there, but I believe in my heart that there are a lot more good than bad. That is why I have faith in humanity.” Chris Hubbard

“In the end, even if you swing and miss, if you work hard, and always do what you say you are going to, you will always be okay, because people will trust you.” Eric Fanning

“Talent is a gift. Achievements are earned. Focus is the key.” Pete Dowdle

“If you focus on your shit, know your shit, stay on top of your shit, practice your shit, believe in your shit, and believe you are the shit, you will be “The Shit”!” Eric Fanning 

“If you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, that’s good enough. The approval of others is not necessary.” J.J. Mendelhaussen

“We all have our crosses to bear. Bear the shit out of yours and look good while you’re doing it!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free, and action is what makes things happen.” Malia May Johnson 

“I was born with all of the disadvantages a person can have. I couldn’t control that. When I became an adult, I took control of the situation, and righted that wrong!” Marcus Jennings

“I am a fair person. Do not screw me over. If you do, I will get the last laugh. I don’t care if it is 10 years from now. Got it? I sure as shit hope so!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Ride the tide. You will be happy you tried, and it will be worth the ride.” Malia May Johnson 

“I am going to rip my problems a new asshole. I was going to warn them it was coming, but they have been such a problem, that they deserve this!” Malia May Johnson 

“Men…..Women are like cars. If you take good care of them, they will be reliable, help you get where you want to be, create memories with you, and make you feel as comfortable as can be.” Malia May Johnson 

“I don’t know if every woman can do the same things that a man can do. I don’t know if every man can do the same things that a woman can do. What I do know is, the women and men who bust their butts, tend to succeed in what they do. Find the lesson in that lazy bumpkins.” Brittany White 

“Wrong, right, good, bad. Most things in life are our choice to do or not do. There is power in that. I don’t think most people get how much power they have to improve their lives, but I wish they did.” Pete Dowdle 

“There are 2 types of people in this world. Those who take action, and those who don’t. Since the ones who take action seem to reap all of the rewards, if you are in the don’t take action group, do yourself a favor, and switch over to the the take action side.” Chris Hubbard 

“When you do the time, you pay the crime. When you put in the time, you get paid and shine!” Derron Cook

“Unrelenting effective effort will eventually, even under terrible conditions, still get you where you want to go!” Kevin M. 

“I’m really just like everyone else, until you make me mad. Then I turn into the girl version of the Incredible Hulk and unleash havoc on your ass!” Brittany White

“Be so focused on what you want, that you don’t even notice the unnecessary bullshit in life that tries to suck up all of your time and energy.” Marcus Jennings

“Don’t judge my life based on the part you came in at. It’s not fair to me short-term, and you will regret it long-term.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“Look forward, not backwards. Looking back at your past experiences can help you, but make sure you stay focused on your future!” Marcus Jennings 

“I wanna make a difference in the world. If you wanna stand in my way, be my guest, but you were warned. #meanpeoplesuck” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“It’s a big world out there. Seek and you will likely find. Keep searching. I know what it is like to feel stuck, bored, down, depressed, hopeless, etc. What got me through it, was making the decision to keep going. Don’t settle for being unhappy when there is happiness to be found.” Kevin M. 

“On the internet, and in real life, there will be people who may not agree with you, but you’ve gotta just push through, because there will always be people who do.” Kevin M.

“How to keep a good man happy….Keep his brain focused, his heart racing, his belly full, his balls drained, believe in him, and be there for him. Malia May Johnson

“I don’t know what the future holds, but if the future doesn’t involve us being together, I have some bad news for this future fella, because he is going to be changing his plans.” Malia May Johnson 

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up in defeat. Figure out how to climb it, dig under it, go through it, or get around it.” Chris Hubbard 

“Kick ass and take names later. And if there aren’t any names to take later, then you were efficient. Good for you!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“If you’re on my table after I say grace, you’re fair game! #manonamission #determinedashell #iplayforkeeps” Marcus Jennings 

“Kill’em with kindness. Bury’em with boldness. Crush’em with compassion. Drive’em crazy with determination. Bash’em with bravery. And a lot of other “em’s”, until the good guys win.” Meredith Brooks

“I am going to cause my haters so many fits, they are going to need prescriptions for Xanax(Zanax), or their heads will explode.” Marcus Jennings 

“I was born ready. I grew up hungry. I understand- “No pain. No gain”. I enjoy knowing and exceeding my limits. I am my own one man Army, and I have the eye of the tiger. Now let’s get to work!” Kevin M. 

“Keep climbing Success Mountain. Life is better up there. It is a hater free environment. Sure, every once in a while one stumbles upon Success Mountain, but they are few and far between. And, eventually they leave because they can’t stand all the positive energy and encouragement.” Eric Fanning

“So mote it be” (So may it be) – Shirley C. Johnson 

“The 3 most important words in life are not- I love you. The 3 most important words in life are- Believe in yourself! Believe in yourself, always give your best, don’t waste time on things that don’t really matter. Be good to those who are good to you. Recipe for a good life right there!” Chris Hubbard 

“Our imagination is there to be used. In our imagination, we can be and do anything. What is in our imagination, is the key to our happiness.” Gene Rockefeller 

“Don’t be that person that make excuses, and don’t be afraid to try, because as it turns out, some of the people that would go on to improve and change the world the most, failed time and time again, until they finally got it right!” Kevin M. 

“Men…..Sometimes us girls just need to hear how much we mean to you. If you love us, tell us, and show us, and we will be there for you, and love you, more than you can imagine.” Malia May Johnson 

“A great future doesn’t require having a great past. I am proof of that.” Marcus Jennings 

“To much of a good thing, is never a good thing.” Gene Rockefeller 

“Entrepreneurs, you don’t need to imagine 1000 great ideas. You just need one. You only have to be right/hit the ball once, to have a home run!” J.J. Mendelhaussen 

“We all experience ups and downs, but life is what you make of it, so make it great!” Kevin M.

“If you have to go where there is no path, make your own trail. Blaze the new trail so hard you leave a path behind you.” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“If people underestimate you, it makes you stronger. It gives you an advantage.” Marcus Jennings

“A person is limited only by their imagination, so dream it, do it, build it, be it, and YOLO!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch

“How to move up the corporate ladder, boiled down into one sentence- When you take care of business, the business will take care of you.” Derron Cook

“Making money is not the root of all evil. Experiencing the best that life has to offer, is not the root of all evil. The love of money, and putting money first, above your friends and family, that is evil!” Ben Dupont

“There are scary people out there, but I believe in my heart that there are a lot more good than bad. That is why I have faith in humanity.” Chris Hubbard 

“In the end, even if you swing and miss, if you work hard, and always do what you say you are going to, you will always be okay, because people will trust you.” Eric Fanning

“Talent is a gift. Achievements are earned. Focus is the key.” Pete Dowdle 

“If you focus on your shit, know your shit, stay on top of your shit, practice your shit, believe in your shit, and believe you are the shit, you will be “The Shit”!” Eric Fanning

“If you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, that’s good enough. The approval of others is not necessary.” J.J. Mendelhaussen 

“We all have our crosses to bear. Bear the shit out of yours, and look good while you’re doing it!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch  

“Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free, and action is what makes things happen.” Malia May Johnson 

“I was born with all of the disadvantages a person can have. I couldn’t control that. When I became an adult, I took control of the situation, and righted that wrong!” Marcus Jennings 

“I am a fair person. Do not screw me over. If you do, I will get the last laugh. I don’t care if it is 10 years from now. Got it? I sure as shit hope so!” Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch  

“Ride the tide. You will be happy you tried, and it will be worth the ride.” Malia May Johnson 

“I am going to rip my problems a new asshole. I was going to warn them it was coming, but they have been such a problem, that they deserve this!” Malia May Johnson

“Men…..Women are like cars. If you take good care of them, they will be reliable, help you get where you want to be, create memories with you, and make you feel as comfortable as can be.” Malia May Johnson 

“I don’t know if every woman can do the same things that a man can do. I don’t know if every man can do the same things that a woman can do. What I do know is, the women and men who bust their butts, tend to succeed in what they do. Find the lesson in that lazy bumpkins.” Brittany White 

“Wrong, right, good, bad. Most things in life are our choice to do or not do. There is power in that. I don’t think most people get how much power they have to improve their lives, but I wish they did.” Pete Dowdle 

“There are 2 types of people in this world. Those who take action, and those who don’t. Since the ones who take action seem to reap all of the rewards, if you are in the don’t take action group, do yourself a favor, and switch over to the take action side.” Chris Hubbard 

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Compilation 3 of 5 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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