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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Ben DuPont Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

The Du Pont Family Crest Graphic

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Ben DuPont Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“If you can’t verify it, you can’t trust it. You are down to a gut feeling at that point.” Ben Dupont

“You can’t oppress what you can’t control.” Ben DuPont

“Behind every question, lies an answer, and behind every answer, lies the truth.” Ben Dupont

“I love my family. I wanted to say that first, because then you won’t think the worse of me while I vent in rage about my family.” Ben Dupont

“Build and build and build and build and build and build and build and build until you and your family are good for life. Then if you are up for it, build more for the next generation of your family.” Ben Dupont

“Profits over principles can help your business short-term, but it will hurt you long-term. Principles over profits can hurt your business short-term, but it will help you long-term. You pick.” Ben DuPont

“Family, love’em or hate’em, they’re blood. They are what you have, and you are connected with them in a way you aren’t connected with anyone else.” Ben Dupont

“I hear what you are saying but experience tells me otherwise.” Ben DuPont

“I am bad with women, but I have the ultimate equalizer. I have a boat.” Ben Dupont

“If you can see where the other side is coming from you can use that perspective to help steer the situation in a more positive way.” Ben Dupont

“I would rather be where I am celebrated. Not where I am tolerated.” Ben Dupont

“You don’t know what you don’t know, until you know that you don’t know it. Do you know what I mean?” Ben Dupont

“It’s not about evidence? It’s about whose narrative they believe? We are basing trials on opinions and not evidence nowadays? We truly live in an insane clown world.” Ben Dupont

“The older I get; the higher peace of mind goes up on my priority list.” Ben Dupont

“When all else fails, be as transparent as possible. Transparency builds trust.” Ben Dupont

“High money does not always go hand in hand with high morals. It’s nice when it does for obvious reasons. It’s regrettable when it doesn’t for obvious reasons.” Ben DuPont

“You need to know the truth in order to be able to learn from your mistakes.” Ben DuPont

“Freedom to me is being able to live life on my own terms. I live my life on my own terms. I am free.” Ben Dupont

“If you make mountains out of mole hills, go build them somewhere else.” Ben DuPont

“I like doing business with you MJ, because I can trust you and you always get the job done. The only downside is it has to be your way. I can live with the downside because you always deliver.” Ben Dupont

“It depends on whether they are smart pretending to be idiots or idiots pretending to be smart.” Ben Dupont

“The past is the past. It’s in the rear view mirror. If you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you will miss the opportunities that life has for you on the road ahead.” Ben Dupont

“We don’t get it all right out of the gate. It takes time to get the things that we want. The appreciation when we finally get the things that we want comes from the effort and time it takes to get the things that we want.” Ben Dupont

“People are most afraid of what they don’t understand. When they don’t understand, they turn to assumptions. Information/knowledge are the keys to overcoming people’s fears and assumptions.” Ben Dupont

“When you find your “why”, you will see in yourself a power that you never knew you had.” Ben Dupont

“If you truly want to live your life to the fullest, then let your heart and your dreams make some of your decisions every once in a while.” Ben Dupont

“The numbers tell the story my friend. They always do.” Ben Dupont

“I’m thankful for being alive. I could point to a thousand things to complain about, but if I wasn’t alive today, I couldn’t be thankful for anything.” Ben Dupont

“Make a habit of telling the truth and you have nothing to worry about.” Ben Dupont

“You have to make a decision that you want a better life. Once you make the decision you want a better life, that is when you can start to change the things in your life you don’t like. The decision is where it all begins.” Ben Dupont

“Don’t focus on achieving perfection. Perfection is not possible, and you will always feel let down. Focus instead on living your best life. Living your best life leads to good things and is always a good use of your time.” Ben Dupont

“If I had to say one thing about you MJ, it would be that you can process and analyze people and information faster than anyone I have ever seen.” Ben DuPont

How Dare You Michael David Johnson! –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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