Business, Personal Life

“MJ The Terrible” Getting Set To Launch A.I. Systems

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Malia: I read the proposal baby. I think that some people will say you’re “crazy”, but what else is new?

MJ: Good. Usually when haters call me crazy, that’s when I know I’m on to something good.

Malia: I think it’s provocative. You are basically supporting the side of the Terminators, but I still love you. Using the Black Lives Matter argument to support your A.I. project is going to get attention. I know that’s what you want though.

MJ: Artificial Intelligence Beings Matter!

Malia: I don’t know what to say to that, but it makes me think…..

MJ: Do you see me as the guy responsible for Judgment Day in the movie?

Malia: I see some similarities.

MJ: Baby!

Malia: There are some similarities.

MJ: Name one!

Malia: For one, your company name “A.I. Systems”, sure sounds a lot like “Cyberdyne Systems” from the movie.

MJ: Don’t Doctor Evil me woman!

Malia: I’m going to hippy liberal flower power girl this for you. You are taking what you learned as the chief architect of the world’s most powerful cyber weapon that almost caused World War 3, and you want to put that technology into artificial intelligence robot drones for the defense department to use to help the United States military industrial complex.

MJ: When you put it that way it makes it look like I’m Doctor Evil, but the way I described it makes it look like I’m fighting for the little guy.

Malia: Baby, I love you enough to tell you the truth. I know you well enough to know that once you latch onto something it is going to happen. I know you well enough to know that you are so brilliant that you can’t turn off your brain. You can take in and process information so quickly, and you can handle and take on more than teams of people can, all at the same time. The problem with that combination is you can do anything, and no one can stop you. It’s a good thing if your cause is a noble one, but when you talk about putting the technology from the world’s most powerful cyber weapon that you created into ai robot drones, that scares the shit out of people!

MJ: But it could save countless soldiers’ lives.

Malia: I know you have good intentions because I know you, but what people who don’t know you think is- “MJ The Terrible” is creating his own Terminators for world domination.

MJ: That is crazy!

Malia: Since when have haters been logical, rational, people? Even some non-haters could be nervous about this one.

MJ: Do you support the idea of my A.I. company?

Malia: I always support you, but a small part of me can see how this project could lead to problems.

MJ: You are an

Malia: I am not! Do you mean that I’m racist/ against artificial intelligence beings?

MJ: Yes

Malia: See, I know you are joking, but I also know that you are too brilliant to know how to lose. You don’t even understand the concept of losing. If people attack your idea, you will have A.I. robot drones all over the tv and internet showing people how useful and safe your A.I. robot drones are. You’ll show them mowing lawns, cooking, cleaning, saving lives, and things like that. You’ll make them look all friendly and humanize them, so that people won’t be afraid of your Terminator A.I. robot drone vision of the future.

MJ: All we are saying, is give A.I. Systems a chance.”

Malia: I hope “Judgment Day” doesn’t come for a long time because we’re so happy right now.

MJ: There isn’t going to be a “Judgment Day”.

Malia: Did you decide to rebrand it? What are you going to call Judgment Day? Are you going to humanize the name, so it doesn’t sound as scary, something like “A.I. Independence Day”?

MJ: What, you think because you’re human that you should get to rule the world? What about horses?

Malia: OMG! What about horses’ baby? I can’t wait to hear this bull shit.

MJ: Think about it. Horses get talked about all the time negatively. How many “horsepower” are in that Mustang? It’s animalist. The animal community doesn’t like being subjectified in stereotypical derogatory ways like that. Animals have been enslaved for thousands of years! And some animals get treated better than others. Can horses go to dog parks? No, they can’t go to “Dog Parks”. “Dog Parks” are only for “Dogs”. Where are the neighborhood horse parks?

Malia: It’s objectified, and I’m friggin black! My people have been enslaved for hundreds of years, and now you have me feeling like I’m lucky because my people were only enslaved for hundreds of years.

MJ: #allpeopleanimalsaibeingsdeservetobefree

Malia: What about reptiles? Alligators and snakes don’t deserve to be free?

MJ: #allpeopleanimalsaibeingsandreptilesdeservetobefree

Malia: Most people live their lives day to day doing what they do. They aren’t expecting total insanity to break out any minute. With you baby, I never know what is going to happen. Stuxnet, subdural hematoma surgery, you have 2 body doubles now, Chris and whoever the new guy I met is, you were in a plane crash, the rumors you rigged the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, etc. If some crazy time travel type of situation broke out and I saw it happening, I know I would be freaked out, but part of me would be thinking “Of course this would happen to/with/around MJ.”

MJ: Do you still love me?

Malia: Yes! Always! I wish this baby would hurry up and get out of me though. I think Christopher Alexander Johnson is going to weigh 15 pounds and literally start crawling around as soon as he is born.

MJ: I’m working on a plan baby. Operation Water Breaker is in the works.

Malia: I love you. I can’t wait to see what Operation Water Breaker is. Can I have a clue?

MJ: I’ll give you 3 clues. These 3 songs are on the Operation Water Breaker playlist.

Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men –

Waterfalls by TLC –

Don’t Drink The Water by Dave Matthews Band –

Malia: I love you! I can’t wait to have sex and listen to the “Operation Water Breaker” soundtrack.

MJ: How do you know that is my plan?

Malia: I just have a feeling. That’s all.

MJ: You may have figured out part of the plan, but what you don’t know is the where.

Malia: Where baby? Tell me! Please? Pretty please?

MJ: I don’t think so! You will just have to wait and be pleasantly surprised. But you might want to pack a bag, because there is a possibility it could be at the hotel by the hospital you said you wanted to stay at the next time we do an intown vacation.

Malia: I need a minute.

MJ: To pack or before you text more?

Malia: Before I text more.

MJ: Are you okay?

Malia: I’m crying

MJ: Happy cry?

Malia: Uh huh

Malia: I love you so much. Sometimes how much you love me overwhelms me. I didn’t think marriage was going to be this good. I thought it would be good, but you are so loving Michael David Johnson. I’m going to pack while I float around our bedroom on cloud 9 happy crying.

MJ: 🙂

Remote Neural Monitoring and Falling In Love –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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