Personal Life

Math and Parenting Decisions

Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson at Austin City Limits Music Festival October 2014

Malia: Baby, I want to see if you know the answer to this math problem.

50 + 50 – 25 × 0 + 2 + 2 = ?

Is the correct answer 4 or 104?

MJ: 104

Malia: Of course you know the answer. Why isn’t the answer 4? Don’t you do math problems from left to right?

MJ: No. You are supposed to follow the order of operations- PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.

Malia: You are the only person I asked who got the answer right. Brittany, Mr. Pete, and the 2 other security guys got it wrong.

MJ: Do I get a kiss for getting it right?

Malia: XOXO

MJ: I love you

Malia: I think Liz is going to be MENSA smart like you. She is super smart for her age.

MJ: I hope she becomes anything she wants to be.

Malia: Have you thought about if you are okay with her modeling yet?

MJ: No. I don’t know baby. Why are you okay with it?

Malia: I modeled, and I loved it. And Liz is very pretty.

MJ: You know if my daughter grows up to be a sex symbol, I’m going to lose my mind, right?

Malia: I’m biased, but my old modeling coach said she has the perfect features.

MJ: I don’t know baby. Why am I so freaked out by this?

Malia: Because you are protective of your little girl. I have read that daddy’s who are close to their daughters are often very protective of them. You are a very loving and protective father. I have no doubt you fall into that protective category.

MJ: You know I am nervous/cautious about Liz becoming a model. I know you are for it. To be fair, I don’t have any reasons other than I’m nervous about/cautious about it. I know you love Liz as much as I do, and I trust you. I am willing to give in on this if you agree to these 3 conditions- 1. You won’t force it on her if she hates it. 2. Liz is not allowed to be alone with anyone we don’t trust until she is much older. Either you or a member of our security is with her always. 3. I know you will do this already, but it makes me feel more comfortable writing it down in my conditions, so just go with it my love. Do you agree to my 3 conditions?

Malia: Yes! Yes! Yes! I was certain you were going to fight me on this.

MJ: Is that why you had my mom, Dr. Frincke, and Mr. Fanning talk to me about this too?

Malia: Uh huh. I know you better than anyone. Convincing you to agree to something you don’t want to agree to takes a combination of things. If I am for it, your mom is for it, Dr. Frincke is for it, and Mr. Fanning is for it, you will agree to it, because you trust us. The other thing to convince you to agree are terms you can agree too. All 4 of us said you would agree to this but with terms. We were right, and your terms are fair.

MJ: Y’all just ganged up on me huh?

Malia: I want what is best for our daughter and I know you do to. I also know you are overly protective of our daughters compared to our sons.

MJ: Because I know how guys/boys think.

Malia: If I said I wanted our boys to play tee-ball you wouldn’t have any conditions except that they have security with them. If they fell and got hurt, you would check on them to make sure they are okay, etc., but you would have them get back up and keep playing. You would probably say something like “Bumps and bruises build character. Rub some dirt on it and keep playing. You’ll be alright.” If one of our little girls falls down and gets hurt, you treat it like a national tragedy. You want to call in a Life Flight helicopter, take them to the emergency room, call the doctor, etc. When Liz fell down one time and she barely cried, you held her all day long. I know you were raised to be protective like that of women and I love it. I love how loving caring and protective you are. That said, when it is time to let them try something new, I realize I will have to be the driver in those cases with our girls, and I’m fine with that.

MJ: I am protective of our boys. I fell down the stairs and broke 2 ribs and a tooth to make sure Cash didn’t fall down the stairs. Tell me the truth. Do you think I treat our sons and daughters equally?

Malia: No, I don’t, but it’s okay. You are a chivalrous man, who believes women are capable of anything, but you still believe in being protective of women, especially your daughters and me. I love you and I love how you are. You are a great guy and a great dad. Be you baby and I will help you to be fair when our little girls, who have you completely wrapped around their fingers, take advantage of their daddy’s naiveness.

MJ: Our little girls our angels! I don’t think they would ever try to take advantage of “daddy’s naiveness”.

Malia: I’m there just in case. And baby, I was a successful L’Oréal model, and my features aren’t half as good as Liz’s. I made a lot of money too. I got to travel. I got free clothes. It was a good experience. Liz will be ok. I promise.

Malia: Side note- I read Austin City Limits is going to be canceled this year due to COVID. We had a lot of fun going to ACL all those years.

MJ: I love you. I want to be the best dad I can be. I might be overprotective but in today’s crazy world, can you really be too overprotective?

Malia: I love you too daddy. You sound so stressed out. Does daddy need a bj to help him relax after making such a stressful decision?

MJ: Baby! Now you are just messing with me.

Malia: Nuh uh. Mommy just wants to reward daddy for stepping out of his comfort level and doing the right thing.

MJ: In that case, a bj would help make everything better I think.

Malia: I will meet you in our bedroom in 5 minutes.

MJ: I really don’t want to make a bad parenting decision that we can’t take back. You know? I just care so much.

Malia: I know you do. Keep being the awesome daddy you are that deserves reward bj’s.

MJ: Daddy is in position!

Malia: Mommy will be in position, on your position, in about a minute.

Happy 9 Year Anniversary Malia May Johnson! –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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