Personal Life

MAGAT 2024 and Quality Time

Masters of Money LLC MAGAT Trump Kennedy 2024 Collage

Malia: I am day planning. Do you think you will have time for an afternooner with me today?

MJ: Would like to but it depends on how long my video call with Trump and his campaign team takes.

Malia: Last week the Democrats blocked us spending time together and this week the Republicans. 🙁

MJ: Sorry babe. I love you to the moon and back.

Malia: Are both sides trying to recruit you for their 2024 campaign teams?

MJ: No. I only consult. I am not on either side.

Malia: I like Kamala, but Biden I could take or leave. Do you think Trump will be the 2024 Republican candidate?

MJ: Unless Trump is in jail I think he will be the 2024 Republican nominee.

Malia: Am I allowed to ask what Trump and his team want from you?

MJ: They just want advice. I think I am looked at as like the dude Conrad Brean from the Wag The Dog movie.

Malia: You are kinda like that sort of.

Malia: Do you think Trump can win in 2024?

MJ: It depends. Some factors are in his control and some factors are outside of his control. All he can do is control what he can control and hope for the best.

Malia: What do you think Trump should do to get elected? Am I allowed to know?

MJ: Sure. I can tell you the basics. Here is how I see things. The 2024 election is a big one. Both sides believe the future of the country is at stake. Both sides believe they are right and there is very little middle ground right now between the parties.

MJ: My advice for Trump is simple.

1. Stay out of jail.

2. Don’t get convicted. Delay the cases until after the election.

3. Unite the country by picking a Democrat (RFK Jr.) to be your vice presidential running mate.

RFK Jr. polls at 17% of Democrat voters. If Trump’s poll numbers stay up and his vp pick RFK. Jr. takes 5-7% of democrat voters, Trump will win in 2024.

Trump’s slogan has been MAGA, which stands for “Make America Great Again”. If RFK Jr., was on the ticket with him, the slogan could be changed to MAGAT, “Make America Great Again Together” but that doesn’t sound very good.

The Trump Kennedy 2024 ticket slogan should be something like “United We Stand”

They can talk about how united as a country we can do anything we put our minds to. They can use all the old JFK/Bobby Kennedy, Camelot, put a man on the moon content. They can pull on heart strings by saying things like “A vote for Trump Kennedy is a vote for JFK’s legacy.”

Bottom line- A Trump Kennedy ticket would be hard to stop.

4. The Democrats biggest fears are Biden’s age/health and RFK Jr., running as an independent.

If Biden passes the torch to a younger candidate and the democrats unite around that ticket, Biden’s age/health worry/issue goes away.

If RFK Jr., were to run as an independent, approximately 5-7% of democrats would vote for him, and that would really hurt the democrat ticket.

RFK Jr., could do to the democrats, what Ross Perot did to Bush in the 1992 election, if he runs as an independent.

If I were the democrats I would bring RFK Jr., into the party in a big way now so he doesn’t ruin 2024 for them.

5. If Trump wants to pick a Republican to run with him, he needs to pick a woman/Hispanic woman if possible, and from a state that would help him get elected.

Trump’s biggest weakness are liberal woman. Liberal women make up a large block of voters, they turn out to vote in big numbers, and they hate Trump. They see Trump as a misogynist who hates women and wants to take government benefits away.

6. This is the big one, and probably makes up 95% of the reason why both sides have reached out to me. They want my advice regarding A.I./the internet/social media, etc.

This one I am not going to talk about in relationship to the election. I will say this. This is the first election Generation Z will be voting in, and Gen Z’s vote will be won or lost on the internet.

This also will be the first election where A.I. will be used. The power of A.I. should not be underestimated.

Malia: How did you write that so fast?

MJ: I copied and pasted from my notes.

Malia: Don’t scare me, but is the internet pretty much going to pick who wins in 2024?

MJ: In my opinion, minus significant offline real world events, cyber is all that matters.

Malia: Are voting machines hackable?

MJ: No comment.

Malia: Is that why Trump wants paper ballot voting only?

MJ: That is probably a reasonable assumption.

Malia: I want a baby! I want you to push a baby into me this afternoon! I hate politics.

MJ: I understand. I’ll try baby. I gotta get back to work. I love you more than anything but our babies!

Malia: But the question today is do you love me enough to make a baby with me today?

Malia: I know I am being a little shit. Sorry…….Kind of! 😉

Malia: If you can get away let me know. I love you that much too.

AI Enhancements 2024 Election Talk and Quality Time –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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