Business, Personal Life, Social Media

Life After Death at HELL & BACK Fake Social Media Post

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Hacked Social Media Post Example Screenshot Photo

The following post was not written and posted by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson on his social media. The following post was written and posted by a hacker who was hired by a party to his legal proceedings to create a false narrative for Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson’s legal proceedings…..

Life After Death November 11, 2016 at HELL & BACK

On Valentines Day, 2015, I was walking out of my house towards my car, and out of nowhere I felt nauseous. Not a little bit nauseous, but I felt like my whole body was going to throw up. I got so dizzy and I remember trying to yell my wife’s name, but I don’t know if her name actually came out of my mouth or not, but thank god I had my whits about me enough to break the charm call signal on this black necklace I used to wear, that had RFID technology in it, so my court appointed supervisor knew something was wrong when I broke it and came running out of her house and across the lawn, to make sure I got medical attention. I was told I went to Camp Mabry in Austin, to JBSA in San Antonio, to Walter Reed in Maryland, where except for occasional trial runs, I have been MIA, in my own life.

A couple of interesting/somewhat funny notes, before we move on- The RFID necklace, that I hated, saved my life in the end. The reason I hated it so badly, was because the magnetic pulse of my heart, which is unique to each person, was being recorded by the chip, in the charm on the necklace, and if no heart beat/recording was happening for a certain period of time, “guys with guns” would soon follow. “The company” even had a faux family living by us, that had a kid my son’s age, which he played with and liked. I knew, but my wife never did. I did hint at it with her though. The mother of the little boy was my court appointed supervisor at the time, which really sucked, because if my significant other said anything negative at all about me, my job or anything, I was threatened beyond words, until finally she saw that I might not be an angel, but I’m certainly not the devil either.

Let’s pick up where we left off now. Since all hell broke loose in May 2014, going forward, I knew my life was over in one way or another, and things only got worse from then on. If I rebeled at all, which I did bigtime once in June 2014, they had a girl or girls, call the house and make it look like I was cheating on my wife, which wasn’t true, but why would a random girl or girls call the house like that unless I was cheating on her for real? With all of the craziness going on at the time, I wouldn’t have believed me either.

Innocent until proven guilty, only counts on non national security matters, by the way. I never commited any cyber crimes. I knew how to though, and I knew a lot of secrets, so I lived in a bar less jail, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The amount of money on my credit and debit cards was limited, so I couldn’t take off with my family, and I was never allowed to carry cash, and if I got caught with cash, the punishment, was horrible. It only happened once for a reason. Now, since I didn’t actually break any laws, “the company” couldn’t put me in a real jail, so they put me and indirectly, my family, in a virtual jail. It is way worse then it sounds, because if there are any missunderstandings, I was automatically perceived as guilty.

Now, I did see my wife after Valentines Day, 2015, but the last time I saw her was the night my son accidentally hit exactly where my subdural hematoma was healing, and blood started gushing everywhere. I immediately knew it was bad. I yelled for my wife to come help, and I made it to the shower and I bled for a long time. All night long I was frealing out and had what felt life hallucinations, until I had to pee. When I turned on the bathroom light, blood was coming out of my ears and one of my eyes. I broke the charm again, but I was in my house, with my family. Would they come? They told me to come out side or call 911 so they could get me outside, to take me back to Walter Reed or where ever to treat me.

On the Airwolf style helicopter I was transported on, the nurse told me later, that I said, “Daddy strong like bull Tisten(I was close anyway)”. I would probably not survive 24 hours. She was right. I was read my last rights and died at 12:05 am(This time means something to me, and still does!!!!) Then, as life saving measures were being performed, by some miracle, at 12:12am(Another extremely important time that means something to me and still does!!!), I made a comeback! I don’t remember seeing a light, or a light at the end of a tunnel, and that’s because I SAW LOTS OF LIGHTS AND LOTS TUNNELS!!! I felt like I was at a rave, with the most epic hang over, combined with an acid trip.

All of that had to be said to provide perspective, because the last time the real Michael Johnson saw the one and only love of his life, was the day daddy said he was “Strong like a bull” but actually wasn’t at all.

For the first time since daddy was supposed to be “Strong like a bull”, the real Michael Johnson, who survived physical death, died of a broken heart, in a parking lot in Austin, Texas, last Friday, November, 11th, at 9am.

From now on, you will only hear and see “MJ The Terrible” crazy fun stories and business tips or whatever the new owners want to publish, because the real Michael Johnson, who is clumsy and awkward and believed in Christmas miracles, although still alive and will be okay over time, officially resigns from Masters of Money and public life.

Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your daily lives, even if only for a short time. Thanks for the memories, all 681,212 of you wonderful, amazing, incredible human beings.


Michael David Johnson

P.S. Michael Johnson #2, with the brown eyes, I am trully amazed we made it as long as we did, and I don’t blame you for trying to have a life, while trying to live mine too. Thank you for trying so hard. We certainly gave it our best.

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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