Personal Life

In Loving Memory of Captain Raymond Lutz

Captain Raymond Lutz Picture

I am not sure exactly what to say, so I am just going to speak from the heart.

One of my best friends, Captain Raymond Lutz, passed away this week. I am not the crying type, except when it comes to my family, and Ray, you are family.

Ray was responsible for Malia finally saying yes to a date with me, and I had no idea until he told me about it last week at the wedding.

Ray also introduced me to the man who for lack of a better set of words, waved his magic wand, and made all of my “MJ The Terrible” legal problems go away.

Yesterday morning I drove up to Dallas to help/be with Rays family, in their time of need. I was determined to be strong for his family, because I thought it might help, but my strength lasted only up until the point Ray’s wife hugged me and said- “The last phone call he made before he died was to you MJ.” As soon as she said it, I knew exactly what phone call she was talking about, because it wasn’t just a regular, lets catch up call. Ray called me at like 3 o’clock in the morning to fill me in about a very serious situation that was developing.

Ray loved NASA, rockets, space shuttles, and anything to do with space travel, so Tarica, aka BABB(Bad Ass Bangalore Bitch), Kevin, Malia and I built a Masters of Money space shuttle video in honor of him. We would have put Ray’s face on it, or a family photo of his, or something like that on the shuttle, but his wife said- “MJ, if you are going to make a space shuttle video, put Masters of Money on it, because he would love to see you guys taking off and flying high, like the ships he loved.”

You will be missed Ray! If you are up there watching us, I gladly accept the role of godfather of your two little one’s. I will save the letter Nicole gave me today forever buddy. My favorite part of the letter(13 pages)“If you are reading this, I need you to do something for me. Please look after my family MJ. You are my best friend, and the most loyal son of a bitch I have ever met, and I’m a military man, so that’s saying something.

If someone finds out I left the care of my family to “MJ The Terrible” and doesn’t like it, tell them “Bust Your Nuts Lutz” said- “You can say what you want about MJ but he’s the guy that does the jobs that have to get done.” I have never seen you fail or turn your back on anyone, and a few times in there, passing the buck, could have got your skinny ass out of hot water.

You are the right man for the job. If Nicole finds another man that makes her happy, please don’t stand in the way. I want her to be happy. If anyone wrongs Nicole, Jacob or Christina, please make them unhappy.

Ray, I would do anything for you my friend.

Ray was honest, loyal, stood for good, and protected this country, but he definitely had a sense of humor……

Ray drove 7 hours to come get me out of jail in this little Texas/Louisiana border town(paperwork error by my court appointed supervisor), and when he showed up, I was a total shit show. I thought I had violated my release agreement with the government, and I was freaking out. Ray didn’t say a word until we were walking out the door towards his Suburban. Then he said- “MJ, I only came to get you because I was afraid they would break you, and you would confess to helping me bury the dead hooker that was in my trunk. He paused for a second and said- I’m just kidding MJ. I know they couldn’t break you, and I know you would never roll on one of your friends.” We both started laughing our asses off. The sheriff walked outside to see if I was causing Captain Lutz any trouble, and without any hesitation said- “Do you want me to crack that little smart ass a few times with my stick before you go Mr. Lutz?” Ray looked right at the sheriff and said- “If you touch him, I will fucking kill you.” We have been best friends ever since.

I will miss you Ray! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Rest in peace my friend, knowing that whatever your family needs I will do anything and everything I can to provide it for them.

NASA Space Masters of Money Shuttle Video In Honor of Captain Raymond Lutz
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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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