Personal Life

Elizabeth Grace Johnson For President In 2060?

Conversation between Liz (my oldest daughter) and me (her daddy). 

Liz somehow managed to walk down a long hallway from her bedroom, past security that roams the halls of our house at night, got in the elevator, went down one floor in the elevator, then walked down a long hallway to the movie theater room in our house, opened the door. This is the conversation that occurred after she opened the door in the theater room where I (her daddy) was watching the new remastered directors cut of Rocky 4. 

Liz: Why dat big man beat up Marcus?

Daddy: Hey baby. What are you doing up? It’s late.

Liz: I couldn’t sweep. 

Daddy: How did you get down here? 

Liz: I walked and then went into the elevator and then walked, and then opened the door. 

Daddy: There is a voice alarm and a sensor in your room, so daddy will hear you if you talk, or hear an alarm if the door opens. Did you try to talk or open the door?

Liz: I not talk. I opened the door and walked. I love you daddy.

Daddy: I love you to sweetheart. 

Liz: Why dat man hit Marcus?

Daddy: Oh, that’s not Marcus. That is a boxer on tv. Those 2 men are boxing.

Liz: They not supposed to hit like that.

Daddy: Sweetheart! I can’t believe you made it down here. You didn’t see Miss Brittany or Mr. Pete, or Mr. Eli, on your way down here?

Liz: I saw Miss. Brittany but she going potty. 

Daddy: Did you see mommy?

Liz: I not go mommy’s room. I go down here. 

Daddy: You’re okay, right?

Liz: Yeah. Can you tell me a story?

Note- I hear Malia and Brittany yelling “Liz”, “Elizabeth”, “Liz, come to mommy. Where are you?” Then Malia and Brittany come running into the theater room and Malia says- “Liz is not in her room. We can’t find her.” 

Liz: I’m right here mommy. I watch the man beat up the Marcus man with daddy. 

Malia: Oh my God! I am so glad you are okay. Mommy loves you so much!

Malia: You let her watch Rocky 4?

Daddy: No! Our little daughter ninjaed her way down here by herself and opened the door to the theater room all by herself. 

Liz: I couldn’t sleep so I go find daddy. 

Malia: How did you know the elevator door code sweetheart?

Liz: I see you and daddy push the numbers every day. I push the numbers to.

Malia: I can’t believe you know how to do that. I can’t believe she made it down here. 

Liz: Look that Marcus man dead like Grandmutter. Did he go to heaven like Grandmutter did?

Daddy: Ok. That is enough Rocky for the next 5 years. We are going back to bed now. The Marcus man is okay. He is not dead. That was a movie. They are just acting. It is not real. Everything is going to be okay. That is grown up tv.

Note- After I told Liz a bedtime story and she fell back asleep, I immediately checked our room and home security, and Malia and I talked with Brittany about how our preschool age daughter did what we previously thought was impossible. 

We watched the video of Liz going from her room all the down to the theater room. Liz grabbed the stool in the bathroom and put it by the security pad outside of her room. Then she put the security code in to disable the alarm for her room. Then she put the stool back. Then she walked to the elevator and put the elevator code in. She got into the elevator and went down one floor. Then she walked to the end of the hall and opened the door to the theater room. The code to disable her room alarm is 6 digits, and the code to unlock the elevator is 4 digits. The code to unlock the elevator has been the same a long time, but the code to disable her room alarm was changed/updated less than a month ago. She couldn’t have seen us enter it more than 5ish times, but somehow she knew it. We were impressed and scared at the same time.

The next day we asked Liz what the code was outside of her room, and she said- “I don’t know.” Then we asked her how she disabled the alarm for her room. She said- “I did what daddy did when he couldn’t remember da code.”

I told Malia that I did signal bypass which is a lot more complicated than remembering 6 digits. We asked Liz to show us what she did, and sure enough she did the same signal bypass that I did. I told Malia I don’t think I could have done that more than once, maybe twice. Malia said- “I don’t think I could have done that when I was 10 years old, if had seen you do that 10 times.” 

Liz, you are extremely smart. Mommy and daddy are very impressed and freaked out at the same time. Malia said she is her father’s daughter. I think she is smarter than her father by far! She is a preschool age kid that did a signal bypass on an alarm in the dark when at most she saw me do it twice.

I showed Malia how to do it. Malia has a doctorate from MIT, and it took her 5 attempts to get it to work. I showed my mom how to do it. My mom has a master’s degree in teaching, and it took her 7 attempts. I called Marcus and told him about how Liz thought he was Apollo Creed and Ivan Drago was beating him up and told him about Liz doing a signal bypass on her room alarm.

Marcus didn’t believe. I had to send him the video of her doing it. Marcus said, and I quote- “Liz is smartest kid ever. What the fuck? She’s probably going to grow up to be the first woman President of the United States. Did you tell her that my son is going to come back and beat Drago’s boy in the future?”

I didn’t tell her about how Apollo Creed, aka Marcus’s son in this situation comes back to beat up Ivan Drago’s kid in the future, but I do agree with him when it comes to my daughters’ smarts. 

Liz, someday when you are older, if you decide to run for President, I promise you have Uncle Marcus (Apollo Creed), Mommy, and my support. 

Liz, whatever you decide to grow up and do, I promise you have Uncle Marcus (Apollo Creed), Mommy, and my support.

Daddy Loves You With All of His Heart Elizabeth Grace Johnson –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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