MJ: You danced in the rain with me.
Malia: I did! It was so much fun!
MJ: I have always wanted to do that for some reason.
Malia: Lightening lit up the sky when you picked me up and spun me around.
MJ: God’s version of a lighter at a concert during a love song.
Malia: Are you trying to say that God lit up the sky for us?
MJ: Why not?
Malia: I like the way you think Michael David Johnson!
MJ: I like the way you taste!
MJ: I want you!
MJ: I need you!
MJ: I need to have you right now!
Malia: K. Loving on me is always a good idea. Remember that for future reference.
Our First Slow Dance – https://www.therealmjtheterrible.com/our-first-slow-dance/