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Almost Anything Goes Q&A with Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Mansion and Ferrari Masters of Money LLC Photo Collage

Almost Anything Goes Q&A with Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

1. What was the first video game console you had? Kevin Price Indianapolis, IN

MJ: My first video game console was an original Nintendo. My Dad bought it for me when I had my tonsils taken out.

Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson First Video Game Console - Nintendo Photo
Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson First Video Game Console – Nintendo Photo

2. What is an effective way to protect my identity online? Chris Turner New York, NY

MJ: Check out

3. What email provider do you recommend for maximum privacy and security? Nate Lewis Los Angeles, CA

MJ: I think Proton Mail is the best email service provider for maximum privacy and security.

4. What do you think is the best way to make a decision? Reese Walker N/A, N/A

MJ: The best answer to almost any question is, it depends, because it is nearly impossible to consider all variables, in all situations. That said, I learned from a mentor of mine that in order to make the best decisions, you should look to the 6 simple serving men. The 6 simple serving men are who, what, why, where when and how. If you know those 6 things, you can make a fully informed decision.

5. How can I check to see if a website is safe to visit/interact with? Julia Bell Kansas City, MS

MJ: Here is a website you can visit to check to see if a website is safe –

6.  Is there a free way to find out if emails I send are being opened/read by the recipients of my emails? Jose Lopez San Antonio, TX

MJ: Yes. One way to check is by using an email tracking service. has a free service that notifies you when the emails you send get read. A number of similar free and paid services exist.

7. Do you think using online cloud storage or offline storage devices is the better way to store your data? Owen Fowler Seattle, WA

MJ: Both. I think using both is your best bet. If your cloud storage account was hacked or you lost access to it, having an offline backup on an external hard drive would prevent you from losing your data. The reverse is true as well. If you lost your external hard drive or it was destroyed somehow, etc., having a cloud backup would ensure that you don’t lose your data.

8. How can I find out if my email account has been hacked? Danna Robles Pittsburg, PA

MJ: If you think your email account has been hacked, I highly recommend changing your password immediately. Make sure you are using a two-step security login method as an extra security layer. I would also recommend checking out to see if your email account/email account provider has been compromised.

9. Is it possible to verify if an email address exists without sending an email to the address and seeing if it bounces back? Josh Larsen N/A, N/A

MJ: Yes. It is possible to verify if an email address exists without sending an email to another email address to see if it exists. Check out this email checker site-

10. How do I find out who owns a website domain? Joy Rubio Miami, FL

MJ: Visit this website and search for the domain name you are interested in knowing the owner of –

11. Do you use a transcription service to transcribe interviewers? Which one do you use? Ron Hardin Cleveland, OH

MJ: Yes. We have used for years and have never had a problem. Here is a link to their site-

12. How can I get the word out cheap or free about my revolutionary new survival product? Rick Bradshaw Louisville, KY  

MJ: Social media is a free and powerful way to market your product. You can send out free press releases through You can write articles for reporters who are looking for things to write about and report on using

13. Any recos for doing research about online businesses, markets, and competitors? Tony Wheeler Warren, MI

MJ: Quantcast is great at all of the above.

14. I have a blog and I write most of the content on my blog. To take my blog to the next level l know I need to increase the content on my blog. I would like to hire a full-time content creator eventually, but I can’t afford it right now. Do you have any tips on how I can increase the content on my blog without breaking the bank until I can afford to hire a full-time content creator? My blog is about finance, specifically about crypto currencies, and Forex. Thanks MJ. Ben Proctor New York, NY

MJ: You may not need to hire a full-time content creator. You may find what you are looking for on gig websites. Here are a couple of gig websites for you to look into- and

15. Are you worried about the United States being invaded militarily by China? Bill Henry Indianapolis, IN

MJ: No. The United States has a highly armed population. Private citizens in the US own approximately 400 million firearms. The US is also a very large country geographically, with many different types of terrain. These are just two of the many reasons why I am not worried about China invading the United States militarily.

16. How important is it to have a supportive wife/partner? Mario Gomez Fresno, CA

MJ: Very! Having a supportive wife/partner by your side can make all the difference in the world.

17. What is the scariest thought you think the average person thinks about every day? Sara Quinn Charleston, SC

MJ: What if?

18. Any recommendations for where I can look at successful ads I can model(copy) for my product? Bruce Kellogg Battle Creek, MI

MJ: has a huge library of successful direct mail pieces and other successful ads for just about any type of product that you can think of.

19. What do you think people in the business world say about you and your work the most? Larry Solomon Hartford, CT

MJ: They probably say that I am the guy that does the jobs that have to get done.

20. Are you more of a Marilyn or a Jackie type of guy? Ann Fuller Huntsville, AL

MJ: They both were powerhouse women that we are talking about 60 years after the Jackie vs. Marilyn debate first started. I would have to say for a hook up/situationship, I would have to go with Marilyn. For a relationship, Jackie all the way.

Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson at Wax Museum in San Antonio Texas Marilyn Monroe Photo
Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson at Wax Museum in San Antonio Texas Marilyn Monroe Photo

21. Any tips on how to become successful in business? Doug Fowler Cleveland, OH

MJ: Always fulfill your contracts.

22. I am worried about accidentally visiting the dark web. How can I protect myself from visiting the dark web? Robin Sweeney Bowling Green, KY

MJ: You don’t have to worry about accidentally visiting the dark web. To visit the dark web, you would first have to find the Tor browser and download it.

23. Do you hate your ex-wife? Rose Lugo San Jose, CA

MJ: No. Without my ex, I never would have met Malia. Without being married and getting a divorce from my ex, I wouldn’t have made the money from divorce derivatives/divorce casualty insurance/wedlock insurance I made that I was able to use to build and grow Masters of Money LLC so quickly. Every experience in our lives, both good and bad, helps to make us who we are.

24. Who is better in bed, Caroline Pierce or Malia? Malia Johnson, N/A, N/A

MJ: Obviously, Caroline Pierce knows what she is doing in the bedroom, but with her sex was just sex. No offense to her. With Malia, she is the love of my life. It is not just sex. It is connecting on every level, which maximizes the bedroom experience. I choose Malia. She is my one and only forever in any and all ways. Period. End of story.

25. Have you ever banged a partially paralyzed chick? Matthew Ellison Los Angeles, CA

MJ: No.

26. Do you have pictures of your childhood home in Akron? I would like to see the house you grew up in. Thanks. Katy Long St. Louis, MS

MJ: Here are a couple pictures of the childhood house that I grew up in. Thank you for your question, Katy.

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Childhood Home In Akron, Ohio Front and Back View Photos

27. Is it worth it to pursue a career in intelligence? Elliot Nash Boston, MA

MJ: It depends on the skills, interests, and goals of the person considering a career in intelligence, but overall, I would have to say yes. The training is out of this world, and the skills you learn can help you in all areas of your life.

28. Do you support the death penalty? Rita Ortiz San Mateo, CA

MJ: No. There have been too many cases where it was found out later that a person that was convicted of a crime that was later proven to be innocent by either DNA evidence, witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct is discovered, etc. Also, if the person is guilty of a heinous crime, why give them an easy way out? They don’t call it hard time for nothing.

29. Do you know what the difference between Europe and America is? Jack Oliver Manchester, England

MJ: I am guessing part of your question was cut off because it is pretty vague. I’m not sure what you were going to try to mention as a difference, but here is one of the differences I noticed when I was taking a Trafalgar tour across Western Europe in 2009.

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson in Europe Self Cleaning Toilet Video

30. Is artificial intelligence a risk to humankind? How big of a risk? Yasu Nakamura Tokyo, Japan

MJ: Right now, I think the risk is relatively low. We use artificial intelligence as a tool. We are in control of it so to speak. Three to five years from now, if artificial intelligence starts doing the thinking for us, that is the point where it could be a big risk to humankind. The Terminator movies are Hollywood fiction, but if artificial intelligence becomes “self-aware” and decides to eradicate humans, it could be very effective at wiping us out. Hopefully we as a society manage artificial intelligence properly.

Distinguished Intelligence Cross Awarded To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson For Acts of Extraordinary Heroism –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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