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2024 Motivational Quote Pictures Collection (2 of 2)

Masters of Money LLC Taylor Swift Picture Quote

2024 Motivational Quote Pictures Collection (2 of 2):

Putting yourself out there is hard to do. When you put yourself, your ideas, your plans, or your intentions out there, you are opening yourself up to criticism and judgement. The bad news is critics can say some pretty mean things at times. The good news is, you don’t have to listen to them, because they aren’t in your position, and they don’t know what it’s like to be in your position.

Don’t let armchair quarterback opinions bother you. It is a lot easier to sit back and criticize, than it is to be a doer. Only you know what you are capable of. And you will only know what you are truly capable of if you are willing to take a risk and follow through. Don’t discount yourself and your abilities based on the thoughts and opinions of people who may not have your best interests at heart.

Remember, doers do, and critics talk about it. Since critics are going to talk/criticize, no matter what you do, so I say…. Give’em something to talk about! Yes, there are brilliant genius types who seem like they were born to do great things, but the vast majority of successful people/achievers are ordinary everyday people who made the decision they were worth more, and/or could do more, and/or were not going to settle for less, etc.

Do enough of the things your future self will thank you for, and your future self is likely to be the person you have always dreamed of becoming. Small consistent actions can build even the biggest of dreams.

Believe in yourself and go for it!

Yours in success,

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Masters of Money was founded by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, on February 3rd, 2009, in Austin, Texas.

Masters of Money is a marketing service provider that offers public relations services, web design, content creation, and consulting.

Masters of Money’s headquarters is in Bethesda, Maryland

Masters of Money has 300 employees and contractors

Masters of Money’s annual revenue is approximately $375,000,000

Masters of Money has published on the the internet:

250,000+ pages of content
100,000+ social media posts
100,000,000+ photos, graphics and infographics
19,000+ videos

Masters of Money has approximately 18,000,000 followers on social media

Masters of Money has offices in Austin, TX, Dallas, TX, San Francisco, CA, Bethesda, MD, and Geneva, Switzerland

Masters of Money’s mission statement:

Provide the tools, resources, and strategies, to help anyone who wants to be more successful, create the life of their dreams.

Masters of Money is privately owned by Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.

Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG., shareholders:

Johnson Family Trust, DuPont Family Holdings Trust of Delaware, DuPont Family Holdings Group of Florida, DuPont Family Trust of Pennsylvania, Nemours Dupont Family Holdings, DuPont de Nemours International Sàrl, DuPont Magyarország Kft., Icahn Group, Bush Family Holdings Trust, Mediaset S.p.A., Dachis Group, DJT Jr., LLC., Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., McConaissance, Inc., Marcus Jennings, SC Investments Corp., Kristi Jennings, Tarica Hubbard, John Dorian, Lucky #7 Trust, City Church Fellowship Tithe Fund, and MBT Fellowship Tithe Fund, Peter Gil Properties

Masters of Money acquisitions:

2017: The Money Channel for $1,700,000
2018: Nerdy Black Girls, LLC., for $350,000
2021: Cyber Intelligence, Inc., for $14,600,000
2022: Artificial Intelligence Universal Incorporated for $27,100,000
2023: Wright Robotics Incorporated for $38,300,000
2023: Making Money Media, LLP. for $1,000,000

The Masters of Money Family of Companies:

Masters of Money LLC
MJ The Terrible & Team Digital Death LTD AG
MJ The Terrible LLC
A.I.U. Incorporated
Cyber Intelligence Inc
Nerdy Black Girls LLC
The Money Channel
A.I. Systems Inc
Wright Robotics Incorporated
Making Money Media, LLP

Masters of Money awards:

2021: Rainbow PUSH “Opportunity For All” Business Leadership Award
2023: Named A Key Player In Social Media Marketing by Market Research Intellect
2023: Named A Top Key Player In Email Marketing by Market Research Intellect

Masters of Money has received over 3,000 positive reviews, testimonials, and endorsements

Masters of Money’s products and services list:

Opt in email marketing – Online advertising – Social media marketing – Content creation – Content marketing – Internet marketing – Public relations campaigns – Web design – Direct response marketing – Copywriting – Company and / or product branding campaigns – Fundraising – Lead generation – Company and / or product launches – Business consulting – Partnering for profits campaigns – Blogging – Content library development – Content library maximization marketing – Multi-channel marketing creation and consultation – Ghostwriting – Ebook creation – Company continuity programs – Ezine creation – Ezine marketing – Digital newsletter creation – Digital newsletter marketing – Content trading – Information brokering – Company and / or product endorsements – Guest blogging – Business opportunity offers – Create and sell making and saving money strategies and information

Company contact information:

Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.    
1401 Lavaca St
Suite #502
Austin, TX 78701

Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.
3839 McKinney Avenue
Suite 155-2281
Dallas, TX 75204

Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.
3739 Balboa St
San Francisco, CA 94121

International Headquarters
Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.
12 rue le Corbusier
Geneva, GE 1208

United States Headquarters
Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.  
4701 Sangamore Rd
Suite 100N
Bethesda, MD 20816
Phone #: (240) 210-9540
Email: [email protected]

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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