MJ: Dubs, will you please see if they will increase the off body security around my son for the next 48 hours, before this thing starts tomorrow morning? Remember, this is your son too. Please!
Dubs: How can “our son” be so cute, and you be such an annoying shit head? He has 4 off body armed security personnel. Unless Rambo himself is in South Austin, he will be just fine.
MJ: You are so kind. Thank you. I love being called a shit head for no reason.
Dubs: I had a reason. You asked me publicly so I would look like a heartless bitch if I didn’t do it. Although you will never admit that’s what you did.
MJ: I admit it. That is exactly what I did. But I did it because I want “our son” to be safe.
Dubs: You are a really smart and creative guy. You are also a shit head. Mix that together, and you get “MJ The Terrible”.
MJ: I love my family. Call me whatever you want, but I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
Dubs: There’s that MJ spin again. Go ______ yourself!
MJ: Good night Dubs.
You Can Do Just About Anything With The Right Motivation! – https://www.therealmjtheterrible.com/you-can-do-just-about-anything-with-the-right-motivation/