Three Ways To Find Free or Inexpensive Content For Your Blog

When you have your own website or blog, you’re always on the lookout for high quality content to keep your visitors and search engines happy. In a perfect world you’d be writing all this great content, but we don’t live in a perfect world.
Most of us lead busy lives, between our jobs, businesses, family, friends, and normal daily activities.
Since we don’t always have time to write new content, here are three ways to get content for your websites and blogs.
1. Reprint / Repost Articles
The easiest and cheapest way to get fresh content for your website or blog is to use reprint/repost articles.
There are two downsides to using reprint / repost articles. 1. You have to provide a resource box with a link back to the article writer’s site. 2. The other downside is that the same article can be used by anyone on the internet.
One way to work around this is to contact the author of the article and see if he or she would be interested in writing an exclusive article for your site. If you offer them a good link back to their website or blog, many of them will be happy to oblige.
Here are a few of the major article reprint/repost articles directories:,,
2. The Public Domain
The second way to find content for your websites and blogs is to find articles/text and ebooks that are in the public domain. You could for example look for a public domain ebook on the topic/niche of your website or blog and split up/use pages/sections of the ebook, to create articles/posts for your website or blog. is a good place to search for public domain work. has over 50,000 ebooks, with a focus on older works, where the copyrights have expired.
Before publishing any of the content you find on public domain websites like, make sure the copyright has expired, so that you won’t have face any legal issues with the content you post on your website or blog.
With public domain content, you don’t have to give any credit to the original author, or include a link back to the original authors website or blog, because the copyrights have expired, and the content is free in the public domain.
Here are a few of the largest public domain content websites:,,
3. Private Label Articles
The third way to find for your blogs and websites is PLA’s. PLA stands for Private Label Articles.
Private label articles are written and then sold to a limited number of people to use on their websites or blogs. Since these articles are sold to more than one person, they are much cheaper than buying ghostwritten articles. They typically cost anywhere from $1 to less than a penny per article.
Private label articles can be found on PLR (Private Label Rights) websites that specialize in selling private label rights content. Here are a few of the more popular private label rights websites:,,
“How do you create a successful blog or website? Write or share content that is worth reading on a steady consistent basis. The internet might be filled with information, but there will always be a need / want for useful information.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder and Owner – Masters of Money, LLC.
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