Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Port Aransas Texas Sunset Kiss Flair Painting Graphic Photo
Personal Life

Your Booty Do

MJ: Did you know that the smallest country in the world is Vatican City? It is only 5 square miles. Do you wanna fool around?   Malia: Knowing that the smallest country in the world is Vatican City, at only 5 square miles does not make me wet at all. Do you want to try something else? MJ: I don’t…

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Malia May Johnson "Eye" Love Photo Collage
Personal Life

My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 38 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

 My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 38 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Michael David Johnson, look into my eyes and make love to me.” Malia May Johnson “I see you walkin around swingin your swagger dagger around. Me like it.” Malia May Johnson “Sloppy toppy?” Malia May Johnson “There is a lot going on down there.” Malia…

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Masters of Money LLC - Deep In Your Graphic
Personal Life

Bound Up

MJ: I am all bound up. MJ: I need your feminine essence Malia May Johnson! MJ: I need to release some oxytocin asap! MJ: I’m all fulled up. The want sex level has turned into the need level. MJ: The big book says “both the husband and wife have an obligation to minister to each other sexually.” MJ: That’s God…

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Malia May Johnson Feisty Sexy Black and White Close Up Profile Picture
Personal Life

My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 29 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “Make a baby. Make a baby. Make a baby!” Malia May Johnson “The word of the day……undulation!” Malia May Johnson “I can still taste you.” Malia May Johnson “I am the mother of your children.…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Wearing Wetsuit at Dolphin Cay in The Bahamas
Personal Life

WAP Alert

Malia: WAP alert! MJ: Wet Ass P@ssy? Malia: Sooooooo weeeettttttt!!!! Malia: Can you handle that? MJ: Malia: Bring the wet suit just in case but I only need what is under the suit. MJ: If you weren’t such an awesome planner, how much would we get to have sex? Malia: You don’t want to know the answer to that question.…

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