Malia May Johnson Sexy Look Back Photo at LBJ Library in (Austin, Texas)
Personal Life

Mind and Body F-ing

MJ: Baby, I think I have erectile dysfunction. Malia: Do you want to have sex with me right now? MJ: Yes! Malia: When we want to have sex does your penis get hard? MJ: Yes! Malia: If you answered no to my last 2 questions, that would indicate you have erectile dysfunction. MJ: Could you check it for me? Malia:…

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Malia and MJ Hand In Hand Artwork Photo
Personal Life

“Exactly how I feel about Malia in my deepest darkest thoughts with no sugar coating and no filter”

Baby, You have asked me countless times to try to describe exactly how I feel about you in my deepest darkest thoughts, with no sugar coating and no filter. I know you know I love you with forever love, but I guess I have never told you “exactly how I feel about you in my deepest darkest thoughts, with no…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Bethesda Maryland Home Master Bedroom Picture
Personal Life

Baby Making Practice Invite For Michael David Johnson

Malia This Love Video For You Is Red Video For MJ Link – To: Michael David Johnson This love video for you is red. Your mom will be here to pick up the babies soon. Now bring that sexy body home because I want to make a baby with you in the bedroom! From: Your Loving Wife Always, But Today…

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Masters of Money LLC Never Gives Up Babe Ruth Picture Quote
Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 16 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 16 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Most people do all they can to fit in with everyone else. So, anyone who puts themselves out there deserves respect, because at least they are willing to take a risk.” Kristi IhaveonenamelikeMadonnabitch “A lot of things in life we can’t control. Embrace the…

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