Malia May Johnson Dallas Cowboys Game Looking Up Pouting Picture
Personal Life

Sexy Self Defense

Malia: Michael David Johnson! I am trying to poop in peace! I don’t need you to sing to me while I am pooping! MJ: I am just trying to help. Malia: How does you singing “Ah! Push it! Push it real good!”, help me to poop any better than when I poop in silence? MJ: It’s poop encouragement, and we…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson 3 Kisses Love Photo Collage
Personal Life

Malia and MJ’s Relationship “Firsts” Posts

MJ, We have had some amazing “Firsts” in our relationship. I went through all of the “Firsts” posts about our relationship that we have done and made a post out of them. I hope you enjoy MJ and I’s “Firsts” posts. Sincerely, Malia The First Conversation Malia and I Ever Had by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Our First…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Bethesda Maryland Home Master Bedroom Picture
Personal Life

Baby Making Practice Invite For Michael David Johnson

Malia This Love Video For You Is Red Video For MJ Link – To: Michael David Johnson This love video for you is red. Your mom will be here to pick up the babies soon. Now bring that sexy body home because I want to make a baby with you in the bedroom! From: Your Loving Wife Always, But Today…

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Malia May Johnson At The Beach Looking Out At The Ocean Picture
Personal Life

3-8-2012 forever baby!

You never know when or where you will meet someone that will change your life forever. Always be open to opportunities. Thank you for saying yes to going on a date with me eventually.  Thank you for marrying me.  Thank you for making me a father.  3-8-2012 forever baby! I love you Malia May Johnson!