Personal Life

Malia and MJ Comparisons

Malia and MJ Drivers License Picture Comparison: Malia and MJ Avatar Comparison: Malia and MJ High School Senior Picture Comparison: Malia and MJ Angry Comparison: Malia and MJ at 7 Years Old Picture Comparison: Malia and MJ Traced Hands Comparison: Malia and MJ Temporary Hippo Tattoos Comparison: Malia and MJ Signatures Comparison: Malia and MJ First Drivers License Picture Comparison:…

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Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 62 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 62 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “What you say, but mostly what you do defines who you are.” Charlie Copeland “I like to wear high heeled shoes that hurt me feet, that make you want to fuck me. You like to wear tennis shoes. We both like what we like,…

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Personal Life

Mommy Has COVID Cooties

It has been a crazy week. On Veteran’s Day, MJ’s Grandmother/our kids only living Great Grandmother passed away due to complications from a stroke. She was 92 years old.  We love you and we will miss you Tennie Partin (“Grandmutter”). Mommy has had COVID, and I have been in quarantine. The kids Great Grandmother dying turned mommy being sick into-…

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Personal Life

Vegging Out

MJ: What are you doing? Malia: I am putting my hand down your pants. MJ: Why? Malia: Why is your hand down your pants? MJ: I don’t know. It’s relaxing. Why are you doing it? Malia: I wanna be relaxed to. MJ: When you do it, it’s different. It’s not relaxing. It makes me horny. Malia: I don’t know. It…

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